I created a thing called: Weekly Challenger. It's a creative writing challenge I send to my friends and family. My last weekly challenge was to write the last sentence/paragraph to Harry Potter 7 and(since J.K. Rowling said the last word would be "scar")it must end with scar. Here are the winning replies:
"Harry slowly put his things into his trunk; sadly awaiting when he'd see Hogwarts for the last time. He looked around him in the reflection of the carved gold mirror and, automatically, swiped his bangs away from his eyes to reveal his lightning bolt scar."
"Harry flicked his head upwards in triumph and, just for a moment, everyone could see his lightning bolt scar."
"Harry raised his head, met his own dark gaze in the mirror and watched as gradually, almost imperceptibly, the spell cast so long ago obliterated his scar."
"The baby was born with a full head of brown wildly curly hair and most remarkably, hovering just above her eyebrows and shaped like a bolt of lightning, a scar."
""Well then!” the undertaker snorted, leaning over the body, "I shall just have to leave the scar.""
"Filch scurried happily along, clutching close to his chest the jar of blood of the foe, freshly squeezed from the scar."
Lord Voldemort leaned over the two girls, sleeping so peacefully, and chanted the fourth, most terrible, most unknown, most hallowing, Unforgivable Curse: Sui Generum Scar!
"Ginny looked into Harry's eyes. She could scarcely believe it was all over. Voldemort was dead; they were safe, at last. He smiled softly at her as she leaned toward him and placed a loving kiss on his scar."
"Harry thought long and hard. Could he have done anything differently? Could he have saved Sirius or Dumbledore if he'd done something, anything, differently? And what about Ron? He'd never know, he realized, as his hand absentmindedly rubbed his forehead in the spot of his now-faded scar."
And if this one(made by my Aunt Tara) had been finished it would be one of the best as well...:
"Ron grinned from ear to ear. He looked at Hermione who was fussing with Harry's bangs. "Leave him, Hermione. He's fine!" Ron said. "I'm sorry. I'm just nervous,” admitted Hermione. "See ya out there" said Harry and he slipped through the door and down the long aisle to take his position as Ron's best man. He looked up and saw Ron & Hermione, hand in hand, making their way up the aisle toward him. (Oh, f***, this is ridiculous! I can't work scar in here as the last word ... there's just no hope! I'll have to try again ... can you tell I'm in a sucky mood?!)"