Today at recess somehow my friends dared me to ask Travis (the one who I APPARENTLY think is too cute to be a frog) “Do you think I’m hot?”. Well, I did it. Then, I was dared to ask him if he thinks I’m a sexy beast. Then, I was dared to say “You, me, chuckey cheese, Friday night, be there. Then, I was dared to say “Do you think I’m a sexy chipmunk” swirl my hair and do the little guns with your hands. Then I was dared to put my arm around him for like a second (after I did that one I ran away screaming). Then I was dared to stand next to him, while I was standing there Mossy pushed me and-because I’m a weakling-I fell on top of him. Then I was dared to follow him around, Zzzzzzz! Then I was dared to repeat a lot of those steps on Desmond(Travis’ best friend). Exept I combined putting my arm around him and the chuckey cheese thing.
Just so you know…I did all the dares.
P.S. I also told Travis he was much cuter than a frog.(Which does not mean anything,MARGTOT!!)
More About Me:
The book I'm reading: HP-PS.
My Favorite Actress: Emma Watson.
My Favorite Actor: Rupert Grint.
My Favorite Book: HP-POA.
My Favorite Movie: HP-POA.
Wow, I like HP-POA(and just HP).
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
Main Parts of HP so Those who haven't read HP will understand the 5th Movie...
Philosopher's Stone:
The story opens with the unrestrained celebration of a normally-secretive wizarding world which for the past eleven years has been terrorised by Lord Voldemort. The previous night, Voldemort discovered the refuge of the hidden Potter family, and killed Lily and James Potter. However, when he turned his wand against their infant son, Harry, his killing curse rebounded upon him. Harry, meanwhile, is left with a distinctive lightning bolt scar on his forehead, the only physical sign of Voldemort's curse. Harry's mysterious defeat of Voldemort results in him being dubbed "The Boy Who Lived" by the wizarding world. The orphaned Harry is left with, and subsequently raised by his cruel, Muggle (non-magical) relatives, the Dursleys who, in attempt to rid him of his magical powers, hides his magical heritage and gives him severe punishments after several strange occurrences.
Shortly before Harry's eleventh birthday, owls begin delivering letters to the Dursley house. Denying Harry access to them, but unable to stop the deliveries, Uncle Vernon moves the family to a small, deserted island where Rubeus Hagrid finds them. Confronting the Dursleys about their dishonesties with Harry, he hand-delivers the letter which invites him to study magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When Uncle Vernon foolishly insults Dumbledore, Hagrid flies into a rage and does magic on Dudley, giving him a pig's tail when he "meant ter turn him into a pig."[1] Harry finds out Hagrid is not allowed to use magic, as he once went to Hogwarts, but was expelled in his third year.
That morning, Hagrid and Harry go to The Leaky Cauldron pub, where Harry finds out he is famous, "Welcome back, Mr Potter, welcome back,"[2] and meets the new Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell.
Going through the Leaky Cauldron, they enter Diagon Alley, the wizard business district in London, where Harry purchases his school supplies, including a wand "that chooses the wizard," and receives his first present from Hagrid, a snowy white owl he names Hegwid. While at Gringotts, the wizard bank, Harry learns Hagrid believes there are dragons protecting the gold, something he has always wanted; Harry also finds that he has inherited immense wealth. They visit another vault within the bank that contains a small package.
When the school year starts, the Dursley's dump Harry off at the King's Cross station, London, laughing when Uncle Vernon points out to Harry that "they don't seem to have built Platform Nine and three-quarters yet, do they?...Have a good term."[3] He realises that he has not been told how to get to the platform and panicking, Harry tries to ask for directions, but the Muggles think he is taking too much time. When he hears a witch mother say, "-packed with Muggles, of course-"[4] he asks her for directions. The mother directs him through the barrier and eventually befriends the sons of the woman, Molly Weasley, including his now best friend Ron Weasley - the youngest son of the Weasley family, who are very poor but very kind. Ron is impressed by Harry's scar but unintimidated by his reputation. Harry also meets Hermione Granger, a muggle-born witch who is a bit of a bossy, insufferable know-it-all.
Upon arriving at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy recognizes Harry and tries to befriend him. Malfoy's elitist manner and insulting remarks about Ron offend Harry. Professor McGonagall send them in to be sorted by the Sorting Hat into one of the four school Houses: Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff. While Harry is being sorted, the Sorting Hat considers placing Harry in Slytherin. Harry wishes hard not to be in Slytherin and, hearing his thoughts, the hat places him in Gryffindor, along with Ron and Hermione. The arrogant Draco Malfoy, who by now is openly contemptuous of Harry and his friends, is sorted into Slytherin even before the hat can touch his head.
During Harry's first broomstick flying lesson, Professor McGonagall spots Harry catching Neville Longbottom's stolen Remembrall from Draco and is drafts him into Gryffindor's Quidditch team, becoming the youngest Seeker in a hundred years. He is given a Nimbus 2000 by Professor McGonagall, the best broom.
After landing, Draco challenges Harry to a Wizard's Duel, at midnight, in the trophy room. That night, Harry and Ron meet up with Hermione, who couldn't get back into Gryffindor Common Room as the Fat Lady had gone visiting, and Neville, who could not remember the password, and go to the trophy room searching for Draco, instead finding that he had set them up and had sent Argus Filch, the school janitor. Trying to find a place to hide, they accidentally stumble across the door to the forbidden corridor. A three-headed dog, christened Fluffy by Hagrid, guards a trapdoor. They are saved by Peeves who, in a sing-song voice says "nothing" to Filch about seeing them.
Harry and Ron initially dislike the bossy Hermione. After a Halloween class involving Wingardium Leviosa, a hard-to-pronounce charm that makes objects fly, Ron insults her, and she retreats to the girls' bathroom crying after she overhears him. During the Halloween banquet, Quirrel informs everyone that a troll has entered the castle; Harry and Ron, the latter reluctantly, go to warn her, suspecting Snape is the culprit. By locking the troll in the nearest room, they realise that they have accidentally locked it in the girls' bathroom. They re-enter and fight it to save Hermione. Harry and Ron magically knock it out with its own club, ironically with Wingardium Leviosa (in the movie, Hermione desperately and hurriedly teaches the spell to them before she can be attacked). When the professors arrive on the scene, Hermione claims it was her fault, preventing the boys from getting into trouble. The three then become best friends.
At Harry's first Quidditch match, Harry's broom becomes possessed, nearly knocking him off. Hermione sees Snape staring at Harry and mouthing words, making her believe that it is Snape who is making his broom do weird things. Hermione lights Snape's cape on fire, which stops the broom's possession allowing Harry to catch the Golden Snitch and win the match for Gryffindor.
At Christmas, Harry receives an Invisibility Cloak, which once belonged to his father. Using it to explore the Restricted Section in the library to research information on Nicolas Flamel, a name Hagrid lets slip when they confront him about Fluffy. Harry is almost caught by Filch, when a book gives out a scream and Harry's lantern is broken. Seeing a door ajar, he slips through and discovers the Mirror of Erised, which shows him surrounded by his long-gone parents and family. He takes Ron to it the following night, but Ron sees himself as Head Boy and Quidditch Captain. Dumbledore later advises Harry, who returns once more, to no longer seek out the mirror, which will be moved, because it only shows what one desires, not what is real.
After Christmas, Harry finds Nicolas Flamel's name on the back of Albus Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog card which gives Hermione an idea. She flips through a book she had taken out for a "little bit of light reading...Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone, which produces the Elixir of Life, and will make the drinker immortal."[5]
After Harry's second Quidditch match, Harry sees Snape trying to get information from Quirrel about getting past "that beast of Hagrid's."[6] Quirrel says he doesn't know what's he's talking about and they each go their separate ways. After seeing Snape's bitten leg at Halloween, the possession of Harry's broom, and the conversation with Professor Quirrel, Harry, Ron, and Hermione come to the conclusion that Severus Snape, the sinister Potions master and Head of Slytherin House, is trying to steal it in order to restore Lord Voldemort to power, but Hagrid denies it.
Soon, Hagrid wins a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon egg in a card game with a hooded stranger in Hogsmeade. However, as dragon breeding is illegal, he can't keep Norbert. Harry, Ron and Hermione arrange for Ron's brother Charlie to pick up the dragon and fly him to Romania. However, Ron ends up in the hospital wing with a bad dragon bite, and only Harry and Hermione can go. Malfoy finds out about the plan and tries to get them in trouble. Instead he gets caught by Professor McGonagall for being out of bed after hours and is given detention. Harry and Hermione carry Norbert up the Astronomy tower where they meet Charlie who flies the dragon off on a broom. On the way back, they are caught by Filch (because Harry had accidentally left his Invisibility Cloak behind) and given detention. Neville, who was trying to find Harry and Hermione, is also given detention. Gryffindor loses 150 points, and Harry, Hermione, and Neville are given the cold shoulder by their fellow Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws, who wanted to see the downfall of Slytherin as the House Points winner.
The four of them serve their detention the following evening with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest where they need to find an injured unicorn. Splitting up, Draco, Fang (Hagrid's pet dog), and Harry cross the path of the downed unicorn and watch as a hooded figure comes and drinks its blood, which sets Harry's scar bursting with pain. Draco and Fang flee and Harry is rescued by Firenze, a centaur who tells him it is a monsterous thing to slay a unicorn, let alone drink its blood. Harry realises that unicorn blood is like Elixir of Life, and that Voldemort is still around.
Harry, along with Hermione and Ron, confront Hagrid about the stranger with the dragon egg, remembering Hagrid has always wanted one. Harry asks if Fluffy was ever brought into the conversation. Finding out that Hagrid gave away how to get past Fluffy, they believe the theft of the Stone is imminent. That night, Harry, Ron and Hermione go through the trapdoor to get to it first, but not without duelling Neville, who refuses to let them leave the dormitory. They negotiate the security system set up by the school's staff, and Harry makes it to the inner chamber. There Harry finds that Professor Quirrell, a stuttering and seemingly meek person, not Snape, is attempting to steal the Stone, and realises that Snape was trying to protect him from harm all along. Harry confronts Quirrell and survives a second encounter with Lord Voldemort, who has been possessing Quirrell (notably appearing as a ghastly face on the back of Quirrell's head). Quirrell is prevented from killing Harry or seizing the stone, his skin being painfully blistered when it touches Harry's bare skin; the struggle between Harry and Quirrell continues long enough for Harry to be rescued, although he almost dies when Quirrell is pulled away from him. Voldemort then pitilessly abandons Quirrell, who dies as a result of his possession.
During Harry's recovery, Dumbledore - Harry's rescuer - reveals to him that Harry's mother died to protect Harry. Her sacrifice of pure love provided Harry an ancient magical protection from Voldemort's lethal spells. Dumbledore also reveals that the Stone had been destroyed to prevent future attempts by Voldemort to steal it. Dumbledore says that Flamel and his wife, Perenelle Flamel, (at least 665 and 658 years old respectively) have enough elixir to set their affairs in order and then they will die.
At the end-of-year feast, the House Points totals are given: Gryffindor with 312 points, Hufflepuff with 372 points, Ravenclaw with 412 points, and Slytherin with 472 points. However, Dumbledore gives a few "last-minute additions", with 50 points to Ron for being a good chess player; 50 points to Hermione for being a logic whiz; 60 points to Harry for being very brave; and 10 points to Neville for standing up not just to his enemies but to friends as well. This gives Gryffindor 482 points and the title of House champion. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville are instantly loved by the students once more.
Chamber of Secrets:
While home with the Dursleys for the summer, Harry is visited by Dobby, a house-elf, who warns him he will be in mortal danger if he returns to Hogwarts. Harry is determined to return despite Dobby's dire warning. Dobby, seeing that he will have to use force, decides to drop a bowl of pudding on the kitchen floor. Harry is blamed by the Ministry of Magic for Dobby's charm, and is told that if he does magic outside of school again, he will be expelled. The Dursleys, upon learning that he cannot do magic outside of school, have locked away Harry’s books and wand; Mr. Dursley has screwed on bars to his window, making him a prisoner.
Fred, George, and Ron Weasley come to his rescue in their dad's flying car. After a pleasant summer together, everyone heads to Platform 9¾ to take the Hogwarts Express back to school. Harry and Ron are unable to enter through the magical barrier between platforms 9 and 10. In desperation, they fly to Hogwarts in the car, crashing into the Whomping Willow and damaging Ron's wand. The semi-sentient car ejects them and their belongings and disappears into the Forbidden Forest.
Harry soon finds he is the unwanted center of attention of three people: the vain new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, a wizard perpetuating his own legend; admirer Colin Creevey, a young first year Gryffindor who endlessly takes Harry's photo; and Ron's sister, Ginny Weasley, who fancies Harry. Events take a bad turn when the Chamber of Secrets is opened and a monster stalks the castle, which literally petrifies several students. According to legend, the Chamber was built by Salazar Slytherin and can only be opened by his heir to purge Hogwarts of students who are not pure-blood wizards. Many suspect Harry is the heir, especially after he inadvertently speaks Parseltongue (the language of snakes), a rare ability Harry gained after Voldemort's murderous attack when Harry was an infant. Harry, Ron, and Hermione attempt to discover the Heir of Slytherin's true identity. Using Polyjuice Potion brewed by Hermione, they disguise themselves as Slytherin students, Crabbe and Goyle, hoping to learn from Draco Malfoy the identity of the heir. Malfoy, they learn, does not know the Heir of Slytherin, but he inadvertantly provides Harry and Ron with an important clue about the Chamber. Unfortunately, Hermione mistakenly adds cat hair instead of human hair to her potion and assumes a feline appearance, and it takes a little more than a month to restore her normal human appearance.
The attacks increase throughout the year, petrifying students, including Hermione. Most horribly, a message written on a wall declares that a student—Ginny Weasley—has been taken into the Chamber where, "her skeleton will lie forever."
With Ron and Moaning Myrtle's help, Harry discovers the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. They force Gilderoy Lockhart, a fraud who wipes clean other wizards' memories and claims their achievements, to go with them. Lockhart attempts to use Ron's broken wand to erase Harry and Ron's memories, but the spell backfires onto himself and brings the ceiling caving in, separating Harry from Ron and Lockhart.
Harry makes it to the Chamber where he finds an unconscious Ginny. He also meets a young man named Tom Riddle, who claims to be a "memory." Harry learns that Ginny, under the control of Lord Voldemort, opened the Chamber. Voldemort, whose real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle (an anagram of "I am Lord Voldemort"), imprinted his memory in an enchanted diary, to one day continue the work he begun when he reopened the Chamber fifty years ago—ridding Hogwarts of non-pureblood wizards. It was Hagrid, a Hogwarts student at the time, who was blamed for the attacks and expelled.
Tom Riddle's memory grows more powerful as it steals life from Ginny's body. It tries to kill Harry by setting loose the Basilisk (the monster responsible for petrifying the students), but Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes arrives carrying the Sorting Hat, from which Harry draws out the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Fawkes blinds the basilisk, destroying its fatal gaze, and Harry slays it with the sword. He stabs the diary with one of the basilisk's fangs, and Riddle's memory is vanquished while Ginny revives from a near-death state. She fully recovers, as do the petrified students.
Harry realizes it was Lucius Malfoy who slipped the diary into Ginny's cauldron when he encountered the Weasleys in a Diagon Alley bookshop, but he is unable to prove it. Dobby reveals he is the Malfoys' servant, and knowing their treachery, had been trying to protect Harry all year. In gratitude, Harry stuffs the diary into one of his old socks and hands it to Lucius. He throws the sock behind his back and Dobby catches it. This constitutes a gift of clothing—the traditional manner a master frees a house-elf from servitude. The freed Dobby is eternally grateful to Harry and even protects him from an attempted reprisal from Lucius.
Dumbledore dispels Harry's fears that he is of a kin of Slytherin's rather than to Gryffindor's nobility. He tells Harry that it is his choices that define him, and he could not have wielded the sword of Gryffindor if he did not truly belong to that house.
Prisoner of Azkaban:
Harry spends another joyless summer at the Dursleys. He receives a newspaper clipping from Ron Weasley, whose father, Arthur Weasley won the Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw. The family used the winnings to visit Bill Weasley in Egypt, who works as a curse breaker there.
The Muggle news is filled with stories about escaped murderer Sirius Black. More terrifying, however, is the impending visit of Aunt Marge, Vernon Dursley's sister. Harry and Vernon bargain over a permission slip Harry needs for student outings to Hogsmeade, an all-wizarding village. Vernon agrees to sign it if Harry behaves while Marge is there. However, on the last night of her visit, Marge's vicious insults towards Harry's late parents infuriate Harry, and he accidentally causes her to swell and float to the ceiling.
An angry Harry collects his belongings and leaves. On a dark street, he is startled by a large black dog. Stumbling backwards, he inadvertently summons the Knight Bus, by flinging out his wand arm, which takes him to London. On the bus, he learns that Sirius Black is actually a wizard who escaped from the wizard prison, Azkaban. He was convicted of killing thirteen people with one curse. At the Leaky Cauldron, Harry is met by Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic, who surprisingly shrugs off the incident with Harry's aunt. He suggests that Harry stay at the Leaky Cauldron until school starts, although he warns him not to venture outside Diagon Alley. Harry is soon joined there by the Weasley family and Hermione Granger. While school shopping, Ron mentions that his pet rat, Scabbers, has been ill since they returned from Egypt. Hermione buys an unusual cat, Crookshanks, who takes an immediate dislike to Scabbers. Just before boarding the Hogwarts Express, Mr. Weasley takes Harry aside and warns him that Sirius Black is after him and asks a puzzled Harry not to go looking for him.
On the Hogwarts Express, Harry, Ron, and Hermione share a coach with a sleeping Remus Lupin. When the train unexpectedly stops, an eerie hooded creature enters the compartment. Its mere presence drains happiness from everyone near it and causes Harry to faint. Lupin awakes and repels it with a charm. He tells the frightened students it is a Dementor, an Azkaban guard hunting Sirius Black. At the school Welcoming Feast, Professor Dumbledore announces that the Dementors will guard Hogwarts while Black is at large. He welcomes two new teachers—Professor Remus Lupin, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and Rubeus Hagrid, the new Care of Magical Creatures teacher.
Hermione's class schedule is a conundrum to Ron and Harry. She appears to be taking every course, including those offered simultaneously. The three take Professor Trelawney's Divination class, but Hermione takes an instant dislike to both the professor and subject. After the first class, Harry begins to fear that the black dog he saw was a Grim, an omen of death.
Hagrid's first lesson ends in failure. While Hagrid shows students how to correctly approach a hippogriff, Draco Malfoy's arm is slashed after he deliberately insults Buckbeak. Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, files a complaint with the Ministry of Magic. The Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson goes well until Professor Lupin prevents Harry from facing a boggart, a creature that transforms into whatever a person fears most. When Lupin steps between it and Harry, the boggart turns into a floating white orb, a fact noticed by Hermione.
Lupin later tells Harry he intervened because he feared Harry's boggart would transform into Lord Voldemort and disrupt the class. Professor Snape suddenly arrives with a potion for Lupin. Soon after, Snape substitutes for an ill Lupin and unexpectedly has the students study werewolves.
At Halloween, the Gryffindors find themselves locked out of their House. The The Fat Lady's portrait has been shredded, apparently by Sirius Black in an attempt to find Harry. Another night, Ron awakens to find Black standing over him with a knife, although Black flees when Ron screams.
Gryffindor's first Quidditch match, against Hufflepuff, ends in a loss when Harry faints and falls from his broom (Dementors approached him during the game). Hufflepuff captain, Cedric Diggory insists on a rematch to no avail. Unfortunately, Harry's broom was destroyed when it flew into the Whomping Willow. Harry asks Lupin to teach him how to repel Dementors. Lupin shows him the Patronus charm. Harry soon becomes proficient with it, even though it is highly advanced magic.
Because Harry lacks written permission from the Dursleys, he is barred from visiting Hogsmeade. Fred and George Weasley give him their Marauder's Map that shows secret passages between Hogwarts and Hogsmeade and every person's location within the castle. It was apparently created by "Mssrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs". Wearing his Invisibility Cloak, Harry sneaks into The Three Broomsticks with Ron and Hermione and overhears a conversation that Black was James Potter's best friend and Harry's godfather. He was also the Potters' Secret-Keeper and is believed to have betrayed their whereabouts to Voldemort and murdered their friend, Peter Pettigrew, and twelve Muggles. An enraged Harry vows to kill Black.
Buckbeak is sentenced to be destroyed, although Harry believes Lucius Malfoy bribed the Ministry of Magic. Harry, Ron and Hermione offer to help Hagrid with the appeal. On Christmas Day, Harry anonymously receives a Firebolt. Suspecting it was sent by Black and may be cursed, Hermione reports it to Professor McGonagall, who confiscates it. This creates a rift, with neither Harry nor Ron speaking to Hermione. Eventually, the Firebolt is returned. Ron and Harry make-up with Hermione, but when Scabbers goes missing, Ron blames Crookshanks, and an even larger rift erupts between him and Hermione.
At the next Hogsmeade visit, Harry narrowly avoids getting caught by Snape, but Draco Malfoy spots him with Ron. After returning to Hogwarts, Snape calls Harry aside, and finds the Marauder's Map. He attempts to force the blank parchment to reveal itself, but it merely produces insults from its creators. Professor Lupin also examines it and tells Snape it is only a trick parchment, but he later admonishes Harry.
When Hagrid loses the appeal and Buckbeak is to be executed, Hermione and Ron end their feud. During Harry's Divination exam, Professor Trelawney suddenly goes into a trance and predicts that Voldemort's servant will return to him that evening, although she recalls nothing when she awakens.
Just before the execution, the trio sneak to Hagrid's hut to console him. While there, they discover Scabbers alive and unharmed. Hearing Fudge, Dumbledore, and the executioner approaching, Hagrid rushes them out the back. They hear the axe fall as they leave. Scabbers suddenly bites Ron and escapes. As Ron chases him, he is grabbed by a giant black dog and dragged through a gap in the Whomping Willow's trunk. Harry and Hermione follow through a tunnel leading to a dilapidated house - the Shrieking Shack. Inside they find an injured Ron, who tells them the dog is Sirius Black's Animagus form. Harry overpowers the weakened Black. As Black tries to tell Harry what actually happened to his parents, Professor Lupin bursts in and disarms the students. He embraces Black, and the shocked students believe he is Black's accomplice. Hermione exposes Lupin's secret - he is a werewolf. This is why Snape had them study werewolves; Hermione also noticed that Lupin was "sick" during the full moon and that his Boggart is a silvery orb.
Lupin explains he saw them going to the Shrieking Shack on the Marauder's Map, the map he helped create as "Moony." He also saw Peter Pettigrew, who is disguised as "Scabbers." Pettigrew is an unregistered Animagus, as were James Potter and Sirius Black. Sirius is "Padfoot," Pettigrew is "Wormtail," and James Potter was "Prongs." In school, they secretly became Animagi to keep Lupin in line during his werewolf transformations, although he now takes the Wolfsbane Potion which allows him to retain his sanity during transformations. When the Potters switched their Secret Keeper from Sirius to Pettigrew, it was Pettigrew who betrayed them, not Sirius. Pettigrew framed Sirius for the Muggles' murders. Black recognized "Scabbers" picture in the article about the Weasleys and, seeking revenge, escaped Azkaban; apparently, the "he" Black had been muttering in his sleep ("He's at Hogwarts") is Peter, not Harry. Snape suddenly enters, his wand aimed at Lupin and Black—looking for Lupin, he also sees the map on Lupin's desk. Disbelieving Black and Lupin, Snape intends to turn them in, but he is knocked out by the students with a combined Expelliarmus spell. Restoring Pettigrew to human form, Lupin and Black want to execute him, but Harry intervenes to prevent his father's best friends from becoming murderers. Instead, he wants to hand Pettigrew over to the Dementors
The group leave the Shrieking Shack, with Pettigrew and an unconscious Snape in tow. Sirius, Harry's legal guardian, offers him a home, which Harry eagerly accepts. But as the full moon rises, Lupin turns into a dangerous werewolf, having forgotten his Wolfsbane potion. Black transforms into a dog to protect Harry and the others, while Pettigrew becomes a rat and escapes. Harry and Hermione find a wounded Sirius by the lakeshore; the Dementors are approaching. Harry attempts to conjure a Patronus but fails. The Dementors attack, but before passing out, Harry sees a Patronus in the form of a silver stag scattering the Dementors. Across the lake, a shadowy figure stands on the shore.
Harry awakens in the hospital and overhears that the Dementors' Kiss (sucking a soul from a body) is to be performed on Sirius. Dumbledore enters, and he cryptically tells Hermione more "time" is needed, as well as where to find Sirius. Before leaving, he says more than one innocent life can be saved. Hermione understands and produces a small hour glass pendant from around her neck—a Time Turner. She tells Harry it is how she has been taking so many classes all year. She transports herself and Harry three hours back in time.
They arrive just as the "other" Harry, Ron, and Hermione sneak off to Hagrid's. While Dumbledore, Fudge, and the executioner are inside Hagrid's hut, Harry and Hermione lead Buckbeak into the forest. There they watch as the previous events unfold once again. When Professor Lupin turns into a werewolf and escapes into the forest, Harry and Hermione hide in Hagrid's now-empty hut. As the Dementors close in on the "other" Harry, Hermione, and Sirius, Harry runs to where the mysterious figure on the lake shore was standing. He suddenly realizes it was himself he saw and conjures a powerful Patronus, creating a predestination paradox. His Patronus takes the form of a silvery stag, similar in appearance to his father's animagus form, and the nickname, "Prongs", becomes clear.
Harry and Hermione free Sirius, who escapes on Buckbeak. They race back to the infirmery, where Dumbledore locks them in as the timeline restores itself to normal. A furious Snape bursts in, accusing Harry of releasing Sirius, but both Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey provide alibis. The next day, Snape deliberately lets slip to the school that Lupin is a werewolf. Lupin resigns, but before leaving, he returns the Marauder's Map to Harry. Harry regrets saving Pettigrew, but Dumbledore says Pettigrew now owes Harry a "life debt," and one day Harry will be glad he saved Pettigrew's life.
On the Hogwarts Express, Harry is in low spirits, returning to the Dursleys when he nearly had a new life with Sirius. Ron promises he will convince his parents to invite Harry to visit during the summer. A tiny owl delivers a letter from Sirius who confirms he sent Harry the Firebolt. He also encloses a permission slip for Harry to visit Hogsmeade. In a postscript, he offers Ron the owl in place of Scabbers. Ginny names it Pigwidgeon. Met by Uncle Vernon at the station, Harry swiftly informs him that his godfather, a convicted murderer, expects regular letters. Harry looks forward to a more pleasant summer than usual.
Goblet of Fire:
The story opens in Little Hangleton where Frank Bryce, the caretaker, is awakened in the night by his bad leg. Seeing lights in the Riddle manor, he investigates thinking the neighbourhood children have broken in. Finding nothing outside disturbed, Frank heads upstairs and overhears a strange conversation about Quidditch, the Ministry of Magic, Muggles, using a boy named Harry Potter; and Bertha Jorkins’s murder. The man in the chair starts hissing and spitting without drawing breath as if he is having a seizure. All of a sudden, a snake 12 feet long comes sliding along the floor, passing him and follows the noises. Being found out, Voldemort kills him with the Avada Kedavra.
Two hundred miles away, Harry awakes with a start, his scar burning. Not too sure what to make of it, he writes Sirius and asks him if he knows anything about cursed scars, sure that Voldemort can’t be anywhere near him.
Ron invites Harry to the Quidditch World Cup and spend the remaining summer holidays with his family and Hermione Granger before attending the World Cup. Travelling by Floo Powder, Mr Weasley, Fred, George and Ron take Harry back to the Burrow where Harry is introduced to Fred and George’s new concoctions.
[edit] The Quidditch World Cup
Two days later, Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys meet up with Amos Diggory and his son, Cedric, and they set off for the Quidditch World Cup. On top a hill is a Portkey that transports the group to the event. The Weasley party stays in tents that appear small from the outside, but upon entering, magically open into large comfortable abodes. At the stadium they encounter the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge and the Malfoy family.
That night, as crowds of wizards celebrate the game's outcome (the Irish team win), laughter and fun turn into terror when Death Eaters attack Muggle bystanders. Mr. Weasley sends the group into the woods. All of a sudden the trio hear footsteps and a voice shout “MORSMORDRE!” and the Dark Mark -- Voldemort's sign -- appears in the night sky. When the trio light their way through the wood, Harry finds he has lost his wand.
Once found, Harry's wand is implicated in conjuring the Dark Mark, although Harry is deemed innocent. Barty Crouch’s house elf, Winky, is found with the wand and held responsible. Crouch is a respected official at the Ministry of Magic, and immediately fires Winky. Crouch's cruel treatment of Winky prompts Hermione to campaign for elves' rights.
[edit] The Triwizard Tournament
Several surprises are in store for Hogwarts students as the new school year starts. The new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is the famous, but now retired Auror Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, an eccentric who manages to simultaneously terrify, awe, and amuse students with his combination of paranoia and astonishing experience fighting the Dark Arts. Also, Headmaster Dumbledore announces that Hogwarts will host the Triwizard Tournament, the recently revived interschool competition that was banned because it was too dangerous. The prize for the winner is 1000 galleons, however this not mentioned in the movie.
One student from each competing school, (Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang), will be selected as champions. Barty Crouch states that students under age 17 are ineligible to compete. Professor Dumbledore creates an Age Line around the cup to deter those ineligible from trying to compete. Fred and George try to fool the cup by aging themselves with an Ageing Potion, but when they cross the line, they are tossed backwards and sprout long white beards.
The Goblet chooses: Quidditch player Viktor Krum for Durmstrang; the eerily beautiful Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatons; and Hufflepuff’s sixth year student, Cedric Diggory of Hogwarts as the respective Champions. Mysteriously, the Goblet chooses Harry Potter as the fourth champion. Harry is deemed magically bound to participate, even though he is underage.
Moody believes that a very strong Confundus Charm was placed on the Goblet making Harry suspect he is deliberately being put in danger. Many outraged students believe he cheated to enter, as does Ron Weasley, who is jealous over the constant attention heaped on Harry. Rita Skeeter, a revolting and unethical journalist, makes matters worse by writing sensationalised stories about him using her Quick-Quote quill.
[edit] The First Triwizard Challenge
Hagrid reveals to Harry and Madame Maxime, the giant, elegant Headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy, that the first task involves battling a dragon and retrieving an egg. Because Durmstang Headmaster Igor Karkaroff and Viktor Krum also know, Harry tips off Cedric Diggory, the only Champion who is unaware. Professor Moody praises him for this and also gives him a hint on how to retrieve the egg.
From a bag of miniature dragons, Harry draws the Hungarian Horntail, the most dangerous species. During the challenge, he summons his Firebolt using the Accio spell and outmaneuvers the dragon to capture the golden egg, jointly winning the first task with Viktor Krum. After seeing how dangerous the challenge actually was, Ron realises Harry would never have cheated to enter. The golden egg provides the clue to the Second Task, which is scheduled for February.
[edit] The Yule Ball
At Christmas, students attend the Yule Ball. As a champion, Harry is required to participate in the opening dance with a partner, but both he and Ron have difficulty finding dates. Harry invites Cho Chang, but she is already going with Cedric Diggory. Harry eventually arranges for himself and Ron to take the beautiful Patil twins, Parvati and Padma.
At the Ball, Hermione arrives as Viktor Krum's date, stunning everyone with both her unexpected attachment and beauty leading to an unpleasant fight between Hermione and a jealous Ron. He and Harry spend the night ignoring their own dates, and Ron glares at Hermione and Krum. Later, in the Gryffindor common room, she chastises him for his behaviour and tells him to, "ask me before someone else does and not as a last resort!"[1]
Fleur's partner was Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain, Roger Davies.
[edit] The Second Challenge
With the second challenge fast approaching, Harry has given little thought to solving the egg's riddle. To repay Harry for tipping him off about the dragons, Cedric suggests that Harry take his egg for a bath. After hearing the egg sing underwater, and with help from Moaning Myrtle, Harry deduces that he must retrieve something taken by the Merpeople in the Black Lake. Dobby gives Harry Gillyweed that allows him to breathe underwater (In the movie, this role is taken over by Neville).
During the task, Moaning Myrtle directs Harry to where the "hostages" each Champion must rescue from Hogwarts's lake are located. The hostages are: Ron for Harry, Hermione for Viktor, Cho Chang for Cedric, and Gabrielle for Fleur (her younger sister). When Harry attempts to rescue all of them, the Merpeople prevent him, saying, “Your task is to retrieve your own friend…leave the others…”[2] Although Fleur is quickly eliminated, as she couldn't get past the Grindylows, Cedric and Viktor reach the hostages. Not seeing Fleur, Harry decides to assist Gabrielle, but the Merpeople intervene. He threatens them with his wand and surfaces with both hostages. He is awarded extra points for displaying "moral fiber" and finishes second. He is now tied for first place with Cedric Diggory.
[edit] The Third Challenge
The final event involves navigating a dangerous maze, within which the Triwizard Cup is hidden and whoever retrieves the cup first will be the victor. Harry is unnerved to find his path lacking obstacles.
[edit] Harry's Obstacles
First Obstacle - Boggart, which he first mistakes for a Dementor.
Second Obstacle - "an odd golden mist floating ahead of him," which turns his world upside down.
Third Obstacle - Hagrid's enormous Blast-Ended Skrewt in which he uses Impedimenta.
Harry crosses pathes with an Imperioed Krum using the Crucio curse on Cedric. Harry uses Stupefy to stop Krum and sends up red sparks. Cedric and Harry go their own ways through the maze.
Fourth Obstacle - Sphinx who gives him a riddle to solve in order to get to the Cup.
Fifth obstacle - Spider that is trying to stop Cedric from getting the Cup.
Harry and Cedric argue over who should take the Cup, then agree to grab the trophy simultaneously, ensuring a Hogwarts win.
[edit] Little Hangleton's graveyard
The trophy is actually a Portkey that transports Harry and Cedric to a graveyard where Peter “Wormtail” Pettigrew and Lord Voldemort await. Voldemort orders Pettigrew to "kill the spare", and Pettigrew uses Avada Kedavra to kill Cedric. Harry is gagged and tied to the tombstone of Voldemort's father. His blood, the late Riddle Sr.'s bone, and Wormtail's severed right hand, are used in a macabre ritual that restores Voldemort to his full physical form and overcomes the protective charm that has shielded Harry since he was a baby. Voldemort summons the Death Eaters before engaging Harry into a deadly wizard's duel. Unknown to Voldemort, Harry's and Voldemort's wands are "brothers" that contain the same core -- a tail feather from Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes. A freak phenomenon known as Priori Incantatem occurs in which the wands streams' interlock and create a golden light. Harry forces the stream backwards into Voldemort's wand, causing the ghostly echoes of its past victims -- including Cedric, Frank Bryce, Bertha Jorkins, and James and Lily Potter, Harry's parents -- to spill out. The echoes momentarily protect Harry as he escapes with Cedric's body and the portkey back to Hogwarts.
[edit] Young Crouch revealed
Harry returns to Hogwarts amid a swirl of confusion and grief caused by his disappearance and Cedric's death. To remove Harry from the intense situation, Professor Moody escorts him back to the castle. In his office, Moody reveals that he is a Death Eater and tells Harry it was he who entered his name into the Goblet and ensured that he was delivered to Voldemort. As Moody is about to kill Harry, Dumbledore fires a powerful stunning spell through the locked door and bursts in, followed by Severus Snape and Minerva McGonagall. With Snape's Veritaserum, it is revealed that "Moody" is actually Barty Crouch Jr. He is the one who sent up the Dark Mark at the Quidditch World Cup. He used Polyjuice Potion to impersonate the real Alastor Moody, who has been imprisoned in a magical trunk for the entire school year. Before young Crouch can repeat his confession, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge orders his soul to be sucked out via the Dementor's kiss.
The Ministry's refusal to believe Voldemort’s return results in Snape revealing his Dark Mark to Fudge and explaining this as the reason why Karkaroff has fled. To combat Voldemort, Dumbledore asks that Sirius and Snape accept a truce and sends Sirius Black to summon "the old crowd". Severus Snape, meanwhile, is sent on an unspecified mission by Dumbledore, who apparently trusts him fully.
Meanwhile, Hermione finds out that Rita Skeeter gets her stories by turning into a beetle, as Skeeter is an illegal Animagus. Hermione catches Rita Skeeter in beetle form and threatens her by saying Rita must not write any bad or false stories for a whole year or she will turn Rita in to the Ministry of Magic. Harry also gives away his entire Triwizard winnings to Fred and George Weasley so they can start their own joke shop business after Hogwarts.
Order of the Phoenix
The story starts with Harry hiding in the Dursley’s flower bed listening to the news, hoping to hear anything about the activities of Lord Voldemort or the Wizarding world in general. After a fight with his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, Harry wanders about Little Whinging. He runs into his loathsome cousin Dudley when they are suddenly attacked by Dementors. Harry fends them off with a Patronus Charm, but Dudley is badly affected. A neighbour, Arabella Figg, arrives to help. She reveals she is a Squib and was asked by Albus Dumbledore to secretly watch over Harry when he came to live with the Dursleys, and she apologizes for how they have made his life miserable.
Back home, Vernon and Petunia blame Harry for Dudley's condition. Harry gets another shock when trying to explain to the Dursleys that Dementors were the cause of Dudley’s problem, Petunia explains, “They guard the wizard prison, Azkaban,”[3] making Harry glad, for the first time, that Petunia is his aunt. Harry receives an owl letter stating he has been expelled from Hogwarts for performing magic outside school. Several more letters arrive in quick succession: Arthur Weasley and Sirius Black warn Harry not to leave the house, while another overturns his expulsion and orders him to appear at a hearing at the Ministry of Magic. Believing Harry has brought death to his family, Vernon orders him to leave. A Howler for Harry's aunt arrives warning her, "Remember my last, Petunia!"[4] Visibly shaken, she tells Vernon that Harry has to stay or the neighbours will talk.
Thinking they are on the short list for “All-England’s Best Kept Suburban Lawns”, the Dursleys leave Harry home alone. Several Order of the Phoenix members arrive to escort Harry to their secret headquarters at the Black Family home, 12 Grimmauld Place in London. The Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry’s godfather Sirius Black are there. Harry is upset when he is denied detailed information regarding the Order's plans to fight Lord Voldemort, but he learns that Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge continues to deny Lord Voldemort's return and has used articles in The Daily Prophet to discredit Harry, while Dumbledore has been removed from several wizarding societies.
Arriving at the Ministry of Magic, Arthur Weasley accompanies Harry to the hearing, but, having been deliberately misinformed as to the time and location, they arrive late, only to learn that the hearing is actually a trial with the entire Wizengamot assembled. Dumbledore arrives with Mrs. Figg, who testifies that Harry acted in self-defense. Her testimony helps clear Harry of the charges against him. As he leaves the Ministry, Harry sees Lucius Malfoy, who he knows is a Death Eater, visiting Fudge.
Returning to Hogwarts, the Order, including Sirius in Animagus form, escorts the students to the railway station and share a compartment with the rather unusual Luna Lovegood. Back at Hogwarts, Hagrid is absent, and Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister, has been appointed by the Ministry as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. She refuses to teach students any practical defense methods, only using textbooks to teach Ministry-approved theory. It is soon clear she is only there to spy on and take control of the school. She is soon appointed High Inquisitor, intimidating staff and students. She also harbours an intense dislike for Half-breeds, Centaurs, and similar creatures.
Ron becomes the new Keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. The Slytherins compose a taunting ditty entitled "Weasley is Our King" in an attempt to intimidate Ron into playing poorly. It succeeds, but Harry captures the Snitch in the first game to clinch victory. However, a fight provoked by Draco Malfoy results in Umbridge banning Harry and Fred and George Weasley from playing. Ginny Weasley replaces Harry as Seeker.
Meanwhile, Hagrid returns, revealing that he and Madame Maxime were on a failed secret mission for Dumbledore to recruit the Giants against Voldemort. Hagrid's battered appearance alarms Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who soon discover Hagrid is hiding his Giant, and still wild half-brother, Grawp in the forest.
Further complicating matters, both Hagrid and Professor Sybill Trelawney are heavily scrutinized by Umbridge, who views both incompetent. Umbridge's dislike for Hagrid is intensified by her prejudice towards "Half-breeds" (Hagrid is half-giant). Umbridge fires Trelawney, but Dumbledore allows her to remain in residence and replaces her with his own appointment, the Centaur, Firenze.
Harry has been having strange dreams, mostly about running down a hallway and attempting to open a door in the Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries. In one nightmare, he dreams he is a snake attacking Ron's father, Arthur Weasley, who works at the Ministry. Waking up, Harry raises the alarm, believing he had a true vision. Arthur is indeed discovered with venomous snake bites and taken to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Harry wonders if he is being possessed and transported by Voldemort to do his bidding, but Dumbledore reassures him he is not. Dumbledore has Severus Snape give Harry lessons in the art of Occlumency to block his mind from intrusion.
Threatening to expose her as an illegal Animagus, Hermione blackmails journalist Rita Skeeter into writing a favourable article about Harry witnessing Voldemort's return. Luna Lovegood's father publishes the article in his newspaper The Quibbler. Furious, Umbridge bans the tabloid at the school, but the story spreads rapidly, garnering support for Harry.
Hermione convinces Harry to secretly teach students Defense Against the Dark Arts. As retaliation against Umbridge, they name their group the Defense Association, or D.A. for short, although they begin calling themselves "Dumbledore's Army" to mock the paranoid Ministry of Magic. Umbridge uncovers the secret meetings, and to protect the students, Dumbledore claims he organized the group. When confronted by two Ministry Aurors (Dawlish and Shacklebolt), Fudge, Percy Weasley, and Umbridge, Dumbledore is spectacularly whisked away by his phoenix, Fawkes. Umbridge is appointed Headmistress, although Dumbledore's office is now impenetrable. Meanwhile, the Weasley twins instigate a student revolt, causing mayhem throughout the school. The teachers pointedly do nothing to help the new Headmistress regain control. The twins are caught, but deciding they have outgrown their full-time education, summon their confiscated brooms from Umbridge's office, and zoom off to start their own Joke Shop called Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. As a parting gesture, they leave a magical swamp inside the school.
Harry receives a vision that Sirius is being tortured at the Department of Mysteries, unaware it is a ruse. He desperately attempts to contact Sirius via the fireplace in Umbridge's office but is caught. Umbridge reveals it was she who sent the Dementors to attack Harry during the summer. As she is about to use the Cruciatus Curse on him, Hermione tells her that Dumbledore has hidden a powerful weapon in the Forbidden Forest. She leads Umbridge and Harry into the woods where they come upon the Centaurs, whom Umbridge foolishly insults. Enraged, one carries her off screaming. The other Centaurs are about to attack Harry and Hermione after they attempt to recruit them, but Hagrid's Giant brother, Grawp, crashes onto the scene, scattering the herd as they begin shooting arrows at him.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione, along with Luna, Ginny, and Neville use the school's Thestrals to fly to the Ministry of Magic in London to save Sirius, unaware they are being lured into a trap. When Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Neville Longbottom arrive at the Department of Mysteries, they are ambushed by Death Eaters. Voldemort seeks a Prophecy contained in a glass sphere and needs Harry to retrieve it for him. Only those who a prophecy concerns can touch the sphere without going insane, and Voldemort cannot risk exposure.
The students heroically fight the Death Eaters, but they are outmatched. Just as they are nearly defeated, Order members arrive. During the ensuing battle, the glass sphere is shattered. Sirius is attacked by his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange, a Death Eater. Her spell blasts him in the chest and he falls backwards through a mysterious veiled archway, dead. Soon Dumbledore arrives and most of the Death Eaters are captured.
Harry chases Bellatrix into the atrium as Lord Voldemort appears and duels with Dumbledore. Alerted Ministry of Magic employees arrive on the scene in time to see Voldemort before he disapparates, taking Bellatrix with him. Cornelius Fudge finally admits Voldemort has returned, and Harry's interview with Rita Skeeter is reprinted in the Daily Prophet.
Later in his office, Dumbledore apologizes to the furious Harry for neglecting him over the past year. He explains his actions and reveals the lost prophecy's meaning, which states Harry must kill Voldemort or be murdered by him. Sybill Trelawney predicted, "Either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives." At the end of the year, Harry returns to the Dursleys for another cheerless summer, deeply grieving his lost Godfather.
Half-Blood Prince:
Voldemort and his "Death Eaters" openly wreak chaos throughout Britain. Following public outcry over Cornelius Fudge's mishandling of the Voldemort situation, he is sacked, and is succeeded by Rufus Scrimgeour as the new Minister for Magic. As a result, Arthur Weasley receives a promotion following the set-up of several new offices. The new windfall greatly improves the family's financial situation.
At his home in Spinner's End, Severus Snape receives a visit from Draco Malfoy's mother Narcissa and her sister, Bellatrix Lestrange. Narcissa swears Snape to an Unbreakable Vow, ensuring he will protect Draco and, should her son fail, complete his mission for the Dark Lord.
As school begins, Snape is announced as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor. With unwitting help from Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore has persuaded retired teacher, Horace Slughorn, to resume his old Potions position.
Because Slughorn only requires a minimum "E" grade ("Exceeds Expectations") in O.W.L. exams for N.E.W.T. Potion classes, Harry and Ron are now able to sign up. Slughorn lends Harry an old textbook marked as the property of "The Half-Blood Prince." The talented former owner's handwritten notes help Harry excel in the class, gaining a reputation worthy of Hermione. As a reward, Slughorn gives him a small vial of Felix Felicis, a good luck potion.
Suspecting Malfoy may be a Death Eater, Harry confides his suspicions to Dumbledore, who appears unconcerned, as do Ron and Hermione. Later it is revealed that Dumbledore entrusted Snape to investigate.
Just when Ron and Hermione seem on the verge of a relationship, Ron begins dating Lavender Brown — although it is mostly to spite Hermione, who, Ron learned, kissed Viktor Krum. Ron and Hermione continually bicker until Ron is accidentally poisoned. Hermione is so distraught that she and Ron end their feud, and Ron soon breaks up with Lavender.
Dumbledore begins giving Harry private lessons using his Pensieve to view collected memories about Voldemort's past. A memory belonging to Slughorn is partially missing. Aided by the Felix Felicis potion, Harry retrieves the missing portion from him. Dumbledore speculates that Voldemort split his soul into seven parts, storing six pieces in Horcruxes to grant himself immortality, while leaving the seventh in his body. Two Horcruxes have been destroyed (Tom Riddle's diary by Harry[HP2] and Marvolo Gaunt's ring by Dumbledore).
After this time, Harry and Ginny Weasley begin a relationship.
As Harry and Dumbledore leave to find another Horcrux (Salazar Slytherin's locket), Harry leaves the rest of his Felix Felicis to Ron, Hermione and Ginny, for he suspects that Draco Malfoy is up to something again. Giving them swift instructions to patrol the corridors, Harry disapparates with Dumbledore to a secret, hidden cave. Upon retrieving the Horcrux, Dumbledore is seriously weakened. Returning to the castle, they find Lord Voldemort's Dark Mark hovering over Hogwarts. They are ambushed by Draco Malfoy atop the Astronomy Tower. Dumbledore paralyzes Harry, who is hidden under his Invisibility Cloak, just before Draco disarms him. Draco reveals that he helped the Death Eaters enter Hogwarts, although Dumbledore discerns that the obviously frightened boy was coerced into aiding Voldemort's followers.
Death Eaters appear and urge Draco to fulfil his mission—killing Dumbledore—but Draco hesitates. Snape arrives; Dumbledore pleads with Snape, though it is unclear exactly what he is pleading for. Snape, at the end of the plea, kills Dumbledore with the Avada Kedavra killing curse. The force of the spell hurls Dumbledore's body over the tower wall. Upon Dumbledore's death, Harry is freed from the spell Dumbledore placed on him. The Death Eaters flee, and Harry pursues Snape, who identifies himself as the Half-Blood Prince in a short-lived duel before escaping with Malfoy.
Harry recovers the locket from Dumbledore's body only to discover it is a fake. Inside is a note from someone with the initials "R.A.B.". The real Horcrux has been stolen and will be destroyed with the hope that when Voldemort meets his match he "will be mortal once more."
The school year ends abruptly with Dumbledore's funeral. Professor McGonagall is appointed Hogwarts' interim headmistress, although the school may remain closed. Regardless, Harry decides to leave Hogwarts to search for the remaining Horcruxes. Hermione and Ron vow to accompany him, while Harry ends his relationship with Ginny to protect her from Voldemort. The book ends with Harry's heart lifting at the thought that there will be one last golden day with his friends — at Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour's wedding — before he has to face the task that lies ahead.
(hopefully this is enough info)
Philosopher's Stone:
The story opens with the unrestrained celebration of a normally-secretive wizarding world which for the past eleven years has been terrorised by Lord Voldemort. The previous night, Voldemort discovered the refuge of the hidden Potter family, and killed Lily and James Potter. However, when he turned his wand against their infant son, Harry, his killing curse rebounded upon him. Harry, meanwhile, is left with a distinctive lightning bolt scar on his forehead, the only physical sign of Voldemort's curse. Harry's mysterious defeat of Voldemort results in him being dubbed "The Boy Who Lived" by the wizarding world. The orphaned Harry is left with, and subsequently raised by his cruel, Muggle (non-magical) relatives, the Dursleys who, in attempt to rid him of his magical powers, hides his magical heritage and gives him severe punishments after several strange occurrences.
Shortly before Harry's eleventh birthday, owls begin delivering letters to the Dursley house. Denying Harry access to them, but unable to stop the deliveries, Uncle Vernon moves the family to a small, deserted island where Rubeus Hagrid finds them. Confronting the Dursleys about their dishonesties with Harry, he hand-delivers the letter which invites him to study magic at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. When Uncle Vernon foolishly insults Dumbledore, Hagrid flies into a rage and does magic on Dudley, giving him a pig's tail when he "meant ter turn him into a pig."[1] Harry finds out Hagrid is not allowed to use magic, as he once went to Hogwarts, but was expelled in his third year.
That morning, Hagrid and Harry go to The Leaky Cauldron pub, where Harry finds out he is famous, "Welcome back, Mr Potter, welcome back,"[2] and meets the new Hogwarts Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Quirrell.
Going through the Leaky Cauldron, they enter Diagon Alley, the wizard business district in London, where Harry purchases his school supplies, including a wand "that chooses the wizard," and receives his first present from Hagrid, a snowy white owl he names Hegwid. While at Gringotts, the wizard bank, Harry learns Hagrid believes there are dragons protecting the gold, something he has always wanted; Harry also finds that he has inherited immense wealth. They visit another vault within the bank that contains a small package.
When the school year starts, the Dursley's dump Harry off at the King's Cross station, London, laughing when Uncle Vernon points out to Harry that "they don't seem to have built Platform Nine and three-quarters yet, do they?...Have a good term."[3] He realises that he has not been told how to get to the platform and panicking, Harry tries to ask for directions, but the Muggles think he is taking too much time. When he hears a witch mother say, "-packed with Muggles, of course-"[4] he asks her for directions. The mother directs him through the barrier and eventually befriends the sons of the woman, Molly Weasley, including his now best friend Ron Weasley - the youngest son of the Weasley family, who are very poor but very kind. Ron is impressed by Harry's scar but unintimidated by his reputation. Harry also meets Hermione Granger, a muggle-born witch who is a bit of a bossy, insufferable know-it-all.
Upon arriving at Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy recognizes Harry and tries to befriend him. Malfoy's elitist manner and insulting remarks about Ron offend Harry. Professor McGonagall send them in to be sorted by the Sorting Hat into one of the four school Houses: Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, and Hufflepuff. While Harry is being sorted, the Sorting Hat considers placing Harry in Slytherin. Harry wishes hard not to be in Slytherin and, hearing his thoughts, the hat places him in Gryffindor, along with Ron and Hermione. The arrogant Draco Malfoy, who by now is openly contemptuous of Harry and his friends, is sorted into Slytherin even before the hat can touch his head.
During Harry's first broomstick flying lesson, Professor McGonagall spots Harry catching Neville Longbottom's stolen Remembrall from Draco and is drafts him into Gryffindor's Quidditch team, becoming the youngest Seeker in a hundred years. He is given a Nimbus 2000 by Professor McGonagall, the best broom.
After landing, Draco challenges Harry to a Wizard's Duel, at midnight, in the trophy room. That night, Harry and Ron meet up with Hermione, who couldn't get back into Gryffindor Common Room as the Fat Lady had gone visiting, and Neville, who could not remember the password, and go to the trophy room searching for Draco, instead finding that he had set them up and had sent Argus Filch, the school janitor. Trying to find a place to hide, they accidentally stumble across the door to the forbidden corridor. A three-headed dog, christened Fluffy by Hagrid, guards a trapdoor. They are saved by Peeves who, in a sing-song voice says "nothing" to Filch about seeing them.
Harry and Ron initially dislike the bossy Hermione. After a Halloween class involving Wingardium Leviosa, a hard-to-pronounce charm that makes objects fly, Ron insults her, and she retreats to the girls' bathroom crying after she overhears him. During the Halloween banquet, Quirrel informs everyone that a troll has entered the castle; Harry and Ron, the latter reluctantly, go to warn her, suspecting Snape is the culprit. By locking the troll in the nearest room, they realise that they have accidentally locked it in the girls' bathroom. They re-enter and fight it to save Hermione. Harry and Ron magically knock it out with its own club, ironically with Wingardium Leviosa (in the movie, Hermione desperately and hurriedly teaches the spell to them before she can be attacked). When the professors arrive on the scene, Hermione claims it was her fault, preventing the boys from getting into trouble. The three then become best friends.
At Harry's first Quidditch match, Harry's broom becomes possessed, nearly knocking him off. Hermione sees Snape staring at Harry and mouthing words, making her believe that it is Snape who is making his broom do weird things. Hermione lights Snape's cape on fire, which stops the broom's possession allowing Harry to catch the Golden Snitch and win the match for Gryffindor.
At Christmas, Harry receives an Invisibility Cloak, which once belonged to his father. Using it to explore the Restricted Section in the library to research information on Nicolas Flamel, a name Hagrid lets slip when they confront him about Fluffy. Harry is almost caught by Filch, when a book gives out a scream and Harry's lantern is broken. Seeing a door ajar, he slips through and discovers the Mirror of Erised, which shows him surrounded by his long-gone parents and family. He takes Ron to it the following night, but Ron sees himself as Head Boy and Quidditch Captain. Dumbledore later advises Harry, who returns once more, to no longer seek out the mirror, which will be moved, because it only shows what one desires, not what is real.
After Christmas, Harry finds Nicolas Flamel's name on the back of Albus Dumbledore's Chocolate Frog card which gives Hermione an idea. She flips through a book she had taken out for a "little bit of light reading...Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone, which produces the Elixir of Life, and will make the drinker immortal."[5]
After Harry's second Quidditch match, Harry sees Snape trying to get information from Quirrel about getting past "that beast of Hagrid's."[6] Quirrel says he doesn't know what's he's talking about and they each go their separate ways. After seeing Snape's bitten leg at Halloween, the possession of Harry's broom, and the conversation with Professor Quirrel, Harry, Ron, and Hermione come to the conclusion that Severus Snape, the sinister Potions master and Head of Slytherin House, is trying to steal it in order to restore Lord Voldemort to power, but Hagrid denies it.
Soon, Hagrid wins a Norwegian Ridgeback dragon egg in a card game with a hooded stranger in Hogsmeade. However, as dragon breeding is illegal, he can't keep Norbert. Harry, Ron and Hermione arrange for Ron's brother Charlie to pick up the dragon and fly him to Romania. However, Ron ends up in the hospital wing with a bad dragon bite, and only Harry and Hermione can go. Malfoy finds out about the plan and tries to get them in trouble. Instead he gets caught by Professor McGonagall for being out of bed after hours and is given detention. Harry and Hermione carry Norbert up the Astronomy tower where they meet Charlie who flies the dragon off on a broom. On the way back, they are caught by Filch (because Harry had accidentally left his Invisibility Cloak behind) and given detention. Neville, who was trying to find Harry and Hermione, is also given detention. Gryffindor loses 150 points, and Harry, Hermione, and Neville are given the cold shoulder by their fellow Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws, who wanted to see the downfall of Slytherin as the House Points winner.
The four of them serve their detention the following evening with Hagrid in the Forbidden Forest where they need to find an injured unicorn. Splitting up, Draco, Fang (Hagrid's pet dog), and Harry cross the path of the downed unicorn and watch as a hooded figure comes and drinks its blood, which sets Harry's scar bursting with pain. Draco and Fang flee and Harry is rescued by Firenze, a centaur who tells him it is a monsterous thing to slay a unicorn, let alone drink its blood. Harry realises that unicorn blood is like Elixir of Life, and that Voldemort is still around.
Harry, along with Hermione and Ron, confront Hagrid about the stranger with the dragon egg, remembering Hagrid has always wanted one. Harry asks if Fluffy was ever brought into the conversation. Finding out that Hagrid gave away how to get past Fluffy, they believe the theft of the Stone is imminent. That night, Harry, Ron and Hermione go through the trapdoor to get to it first, but not without duelling Neville, who refuses to let them leave the dormitory. They negotiate the security system set up by the school's staff, and Harry makes it to the inner chamber. There Harry finds that Professor Quirrell, a stuttering and seemingly meek person, not Snape, is attempting to steal the Stone, and realises that Snape was trying to protect him from harm all along. Harry confronts Quirrell and survives a second encounter with Lord Voldemort, who has been possessing Quirrell (notably appearing as a ghastly face on the back of Quirrell's head). Quirrell is prevented from killing Harry or seizing the stone, his skin being painfully blistered when it touches Harry's bare skin; the struggle between Harry and Quirrell continues long enough for Harry to be rescued, although he almost dies when Quirrell is pulled away from him. Voldemort then pitilessly abandons Quirrell, who dies as a result of his possession.
During Harry's recovery, Dumbledore - Harry's rescuer - reveals to him that Harry's mother died to protect Harry. Her sacrifice of pure love provided Harry an ancient magical protection from Voldemort's lethal spells. Dumbledore also reveals that the Stone had been destroyed to prevent future attempts by Voldemort to steal it. Dumbledore says that Flamel and his wife, Perenelle Flamel, (at least 665 and 658 years old respectively) have enough elixir to set their affairs in order and then they will die.
At the end-of-year feast, the House Points totals are given: Gryffindor with 312 points, Hufflepuff with 372 points, Ravenclaw with 412 points, and Slytherin with 472 points. However, Dumbledore gives a few "last-minute additions", with 50 points to Ron for being a good chess player; 50 points to Hermione for being a logic whiz; 60 points to Harry for being very brave; and 10 points to Neville for standing up not just to his enemies but to friends as well. This gives Gryffindor 482 points and the title of House champion. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville are instantly loved by the students once more.
Chamber of Secrets:
While home with the Dursleys for the summer, Harry is visited by Dobby, a house-elf, who warns him he will be in mortal danger if he returns to Hogwarts. Harry is determined to return despite Dobby's dire warning. Dobby, seeing that he will have to use force, decides to drop a bowl of pudding on the kitchen floor. Harry is blamed by the Ministry of Magic for Dobby's charm, and is told that if he does magic outside of school again, he will be expelled. The Dursleys, upon learning that he cannot do magic outside of school, have locked away Harry’s books and wand; Mr. Dursley has screwed on bars to his window, making him a prisoner.
Fred, George, and Ron Weasley come to his rescue in their dad's flying car. After a pleasant summer together, everyone heads to Platform 9¾ to take the Hogwarts Express back to school. Harry and Ron are unable to enter through the magical barrier between platforms 9 and 10. In desperation, they fly to Hogwarts in the car, crashing into the Whomping Willow and damaging Ron's wand. The semi-sentient car ejects them and their belongings and disappears into the Forbidden Forest.
Harry soon finds he is the unwanted center of attention of three people: the vain new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, a wizard perpetuating his own legend; admirer Colin Creevey, a young first year Gryffindor who endlessly takes Harry's photo; and Ron's sister, Ginny Weasley, who fancies Harry. Events take a bad turn when the Chamber of Secrets is opened and a monster stalks the castle, which literally petrifies several students. According to legend, the Chamber was built by Salazar Slytherin and can only be opened by his heir to purge Hogwarts of students who are not pure-blood wizards. Many suspect Harry is the heir, especially after he inadvertently speaks Parseltongue (the language of snakes), a rare ability Harry gained after Voldemort's murderous attack when Harry was an infant. Harry, Ron, and Hermione attempt to discover the Heir of Slytherin's true identity. Using Polyjuice Potion brewed by Hermione, they disguise themselves as Slytherin students, Crabbe and Goyle, hoping to learn from Draco Malfoy the identity of the heir. Malfoy, they learn, does not know the Heir of Slytherin, but he inadvertantly provides Harry and Ron with an important clue about the Chamber. Unfortunately, Hermione mistakenly adds cat hair instead of human hair to her potion and assumes a feline appearance, and it takes a little more than a month to restore her normal human appearance.
The attacks increase throughout the year, petrifying students, including Hermione. Most horribly, a message written on a wall declares that a student—Ginny Weasley—has been taken into the Chamber where, "her skeleton will lie forever."
With Ron and Moaning Myrtle's help, Harry discovers the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. They force Gilderoy Lockhart, a fraud who wipes clean other wizards' memories and claims their achievements, to go with them. Lockhart attempts to use Ron's broken wand to erase Harry and Ron's memories, but the spell backfires onto himself and brings the ceiling caving in, separating Harry from Ron and Lockhart.
Harry makes it to the Chamber where he finds an unconscious Ginny. He also meets a young man named Tom Riddle, who claims to be a "memory." Harry learns that Ginny, under the control of Lord Voldemort, opened the Chamber. Voldemort, whose real name is Tom Marvolo Riddle (an anagram of "I am Lord Voldemort"), imprinted his memory in an enchanted diary, to one day continue the work he begun when he reopened the Chamber fifty years ago—ridding Hogwarts of non-pureblood wizards. It was Hagrid, a Hogwarts student at the time, who was blamed for the attacks and expelled.
Tom Riddle's memory grows more powerful as it steals life from Ginny's body. It tries to kill Harry by setting loose the Basilisk (the monster responsible for petrifying the students), but Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes arrives carrying the Sorting Hat, from which Harry draws out the sword of Godric Gryffindor. Fawkes blinds the basilisk, destroying its fatal gaze, and Harry slays it with the sword. He stabs the diary with one of the basilisk's fangs, and Riddle's memory is vanquished while Ginny revives from a near-death state. She fully recovers, as do the petrified students.
Harry realizes it was Lucius Malfoy who slipped the diary into Ginny's cauldron when he encountered the Weasleys in a Diagon Alley bookshop, but he is unable to prove it. Dobby reveals he is the Malfoys' servant, and knowing their treachery, had been trying to protect Harry all year. In gratitude, Harry stuffs the diary into one of his old socks and hands it to Lucius. He throws the sock behind his back and Dobby catches it. This constitutes a gift of clothing—the traditional manner a master frees a house-elf from servitude. The freed Dobby is eternally grateful to Harry and even protects him from an attempted reprisal from Lucius.
Dumbledore dispels Harry's fears that he is of a kin of Slytherin's rather than to Gryffindor's nobility. He tells Harry that it is his choices that define him, and he could not have wielded the sword of Gryffindor if he did not truly belong to that house.
Prisoner of Azkaban:
Harry spends another joyless summer at the Dursleys. He receives a newspaper clipping from Ron Weasley, whose father, Arthur Weasley won the Daily Prophet Grand Prize Galleon Draw. The family used the winnings to visit Bill Weasley in Egypt, who works as a curse breaker there.
The Muggle news is filled with stories about escaped murderer Sirius Black. More terrifying, however, is the impending visit of Aunt Marge, Vernon Dursley's sister. Harry and Vernon bargain over a permission slip Harry needs for student outings to Hogsmeade, an all-wizarding village. Vernon agrees to sign it if Harry behaves while Marge is there. However, on the last night of her visit, Marge's vicious insults towards Harry's late parents infuriate Harry, and he accidentally causes her to swell and float to the ceiling.
An angry Harry collects his belongings and leaves. On a dark street, he is startled by a large black dog. Stumbling backwards, he inadvertently summons the Knight Bus, by flinging out his wand arm, which takes him to London. On the bus, he learns that Sirius Black is actually a wizard who escaped from the wizard prison, Azkaban. He was convicted of killing thirteen people with one curse. At the Leaky Cauldron, Harry is met by Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic, who surprisingly shrugs off the incident with Harry's aunt. He suggests that Harry stay at the Leaky Cauldron until school starts, although he warns him not to venture outside Diagon Alley. Harry is soon joined there by the Weasley family and Hermione Granger. While school shopping, Ron mentions that his pet rat, Scabbers, has been ill since they returned from Egypt. Hermione buys an unusual cat, Crookshanks, who takes an immediate dislike to Scabbers. Just before boarding the Hogwarts Express, Mr. Weasley takes Harry aside and warns him that Sirius Black is after him and asks a puzzled Harry not to go looking for him.
On the Hogwarts Express, Harry, Ron, and Hermione share a coach with a sleeping Remus Lupin. When the train unexpectedly stops, an eerie hooded creature enters the compartment. Its mere presence drains happiness from everyone near it and causes Harry to faint. Lupin awakes and repels it with a charm. He tells the frightened students it is a Dementor, an Azkaban guard hunting Sirius Black. At the school Welcoming Feast, Professor Dumbledore announces that the Dementors will guard Hogwarts while Black is at large. He welcomes two new teachers—Professor Remus Lupin, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, and Rubeus Hagrid, the new Care of Magical Creatures teacher.
Hermione's class schedule is a conundrum to Ron and Harry. She appears to be taking every course, including those offered simultaneously. The three take Professor Trelawney's Divination class, but Hermione takes an instant dislike to both the professor and subject. After the first class, Harry begins to fear that the black dog he saw was a Grim, an omen of death.
Hagrid's first lesson ends in failure. While Hagrid shows students how to correctly approach a hippogriff, Draco Malfoy's arm is slashed after he deliberately insults Buckbeak. Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, files a complaint with the Ministry of Magic. The Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson goes well until Professor Lupin prevents Harry from facing a boggart, a creature that transforms into whatever a person fears most. When Lupin steps between it and Harry, the boggart turns into a floating white orb, a fact noticed by Hermione.
Lupin later tells Harry he intervened because he feared Harry's boggart would transform into Lord Voldemort and disrupt the class. Professor Snape suddenly arrives with a potion for Lupin. Soon after, Snape substitutes for an ill Lupin and unexpectedly has the students study werewolves.
At Halloween, the Gryffindors find themselves locked out of their House. The The Fat Lady's portrait has been shredded, apparently by Sirius Black in an attempt to find Harry. Another night, Ron awakens to find Black standing over him with a knife, although Black flees when Ron screams.
Gryffindor's first Quidditch match, against Hufflepuff, ends in a loss when Harry faints and falls from his broom (Dementors approached him during the game). Hufflepuff captain, Cedric Diggory insists on a rematch to no avail. Unfortunately, Harry's broom was destroyed when it flew into the Whomping Willow. Harry asks Lupin to teach him how to repel Dementors. Lupin shows him the Patronus charm. Harry soon becomes proficient with it, even though it is highly advanced magic.
Because Harry lacks written permission from the Dursleys, he is barred from visiting Hogsmeade. Fred and George Weasley give him their Marauder's Map that shows secret passages between Hogwarts and Hogsmeade and every person's location within the castle. It was apparently created by "Mssrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs". Wearing his Invisibility Cloak, Harry sneaks into The Three Broomsticks with Ron and Hermione and overhears a conversation that Black was James Potter's best friend and Harry's godfather. He was also the Potters' Secret-Keeper and is believed to have betrayed their whereabouts to Voldemort and murdered their friend, Peter Pettigrew, and twelve Muggles. An enraged Harry vows to kill Black.
Buckbeak is sentenced to be destroyed, although Harry believes Lucius Malfoy bribed the Ministry of Magic. Harry, Ron and Hermione offer to help Hagrid with the appeal. On Christmas Day, Harry anonymously receives a Firebolt. Suspecting it was sent by Black and may be cursed, Hermione reports it to Professor McGonagall, who confiscates it. This creates a rift, with neither Harry nor Ron speaking to Hermione. Eventually, the Firebolt is returned. Ron and Harry make-up with Hermione, but when Scabbers goes missing, Ron blames Crookshanks, and an even larger rift erupts between him and Hermione.
At the next Hogsmeade visit, Harry narrowly avoids getting caught by Snape, but Draco Malfoy spots him with Ron. After returning to Hogwarts, Snape calls Harry aside, and finds the Marauder's Map. He attempts to force the blank parchment to reveal itself, but it merely produces insults from its creators. Professor Lupin also examines it and tells Snape it is only a trick parchment, but he later admonishes Harry.
When Hagrid loses the appeal and Buckbeak is to be executed, Hermione and Ron end their feud. During Harry's Divination exam, Professor Trelawney suddenly goes into a trance and predicts that Voldemort's servant will return to him that evening, although she recalls nothing when she awakens.
Just before the execution, the trio sneak to Hagrid's hut to console him. While there, they discover Scabbers alive and unharmed. Hearing Fudge, Dumbledore, and the executioner approaching, Hagrid rushes them out the back. They hear the axe fall as they leave. Scabbers suddenly bites Ron and escapes. As Ron chases him, he is grabbed by a giant black dog and dragged through a gap in the Whomping Willow's trunk. Harry and Hermione follow through a tunnel leading to a dilapidated house - the Shrieking Shack. Inside they find an injured Ron, who tells them the dog is Sirius Black's Animagus form. Harry overpowers the weakened Black. As Black tries to tell Harry what actually happened to his parents, Professor Lupin bursts in and disarms the students. He embraces Black, and the shocked students believe he is Black's accomplice. Hermione exposes Lupin's secret - he is a werewolf. This is why Snape had them study werewolves; Hermione also noticed that Lupin was "sick" during the full moon and that his Boggart is a silvery orb.
Lupin explains he saw them going to the Shrieking Shack on the Marauder's Map, the map he helped create as "Moony." He also saw Peter Pettigrew, who is disguised as "Scabbers." Pettigrew is an unregistered Animagus, as were James Potter and Sirius Black. Sirius is "Padfoot," Pettigrew is "Wormtail," and James Potter was "Prongs." In school, they secretly became Animagi to keep Lupin in line during his werewolf transformations, although he now takes the Wolfsbane Potion which allows him to retain his sanity during transformations. When the Potters switched their Secret Keeper from Sirius to Pettigrew, it was Pettigrew who betrayed them, not Sirius. Pettigrew framed Sirius for the Muggles' murders. Black recognized "Scabbers" picture in the article about the Weasleys and, seeking revenge, escaped Azkaban; apparently, the "he" Black had been muttering in his sleep ("He's at Hogwarts") is Peter, not Harry. Snape suddenly enters, his wand aimed at Lupin and Black—looking for Lupin, he also sees the map on Lupin's desk. Disbelieving Black and Lupin, Snape intends to turn them in, but he is knocked out by the students with a combined Expelliarmus spell. Restoring Pettigrew to human form, Lupin and Black want to execute him, but Harry intervenes to prevent his father's best friends from becoming murderers. Instead, he wants to hand Pettigrew over to the Dementors
The group leave the Shrieking Shack, with Pettigrew and an unconscious Snape in tow. Sirius, Harry's legal guardian, offers him a home, which Harry eagerly accepts. But as the full moon rises, Lupin turns into a dangerous werewolf, having forgotten his Wolfsbane potion. Black transforms into a dog to protect Harry and the others, while Pettigrew becomes a rat and escapes. Harry and Hermione find a wounded Sirius by the lakeshore; the Dementors are approaching. Harry attempts to conjure a Patronus but fails. The Dementors attack, but before passing out, Harry sees a Patronus in the form of a silver stag scattering the Dementors. Across the lake, a shadowy figure stands on the shore.
Harry awakens in the hospital and overhears that the Dementors' Kiss (sucking a soul from a body) is to be performed on Sirius. Dumbledore enters, and he cryptically tells Hermione more "time" is needed, as well as where to find Sirius. Before leaving, he says more than one innocent life can be saved. Hermione understands and produces a small hour glass pendant from around her neck—a Time Turner. She tells Harry it is how she has been taking so many classes all year. She transports herself and Harry three hours back in time.
They arrive just as the "other" Harry, Ron, and Hermione sneak off to Hagrid's. While Dumbledore, Fudge, and the executioner are inside Hagrid's hut, Harry and Hermione lead Buckbeak into the forest. There they watch as the previous events unfold once again. When Professor Lupin turns into a werewolf and escapes into the forest, Harry and Hermione hide in Hagrid's now-empty hut. As the Dementors close in on the "other" Harry, Hermione, and Sirius, Harry runs to where the mysterious figure on the lake shore was standing. He suddenly realizes it was himself he saw and conjures a powerful Patronus, creating a predestination paradox. His Patronus takes the form of a silvery stag, similar in appearance to his father's animagus form, and the nickname, "Prongs", becomes clear.
Harry and Hermione free Sirius, who escapes on Buckbeak. They race back to the infirmery, where Dumbledore locks them in as the timeline restores itself to normal. A furious Snape bursts in, accusing Harry of releasing Sirius, but both Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey provide alibis. The next day, Snape deliberately lets slip to the school that Lupin is a werewolf. Lupin resigns, but before leaving, he returns the Marauder's Map to Harry. Harry regrets saving Pettigrew, but Dumbledore says Pettigrew now owes Harry a "life debt," and one day Harry will be glad he saved Pettigrew's life.
On the Hogwarts Express, Harry is in low spirits, returning to the Dursleys when he nearly had a new life with Sirius. Ron promises he will convince his parents to invite Harry to visit during the summer. A tiny owl delivers a letter from Sirius who confirms he sent Harry the Firebolt. He also encloses a permission slip for Harry to visit Hogsmeade. In a postscript, he offers Ron the owl in place of Scabbers. Ginny names it Pigwidgeon. Met by Uncle Vernon at the station, Harry swiftly informs him that his godfather, a convicted murderer, expects regular letters. Harry looks forward to a more pleasant summer than usual.
Goblet of Fire:
The story opens in Little Hangleton where Frank Bryce, the caretaker, is awakened in the night by his bad leg. Seeing lights in the Riddle manor, he investigates thinking the neighbourhood children have broken in. Finding nothing outside disturbed, Frank heads upstairs and overhears a strange conversation about Quidditch, the Ministry of Magic, Muggles, using a boy named Harry Potter; and Bertha Jorkins’s murder. The man in the chair starts hissing and spitting without drawing breath as if he is having a seizure. All of a sudden, a snake 12 feet long comes sliding along the floor, passing him and follows the noises. Being found out, Voldemort kills him with the Avada Kedavra.
Two hundred miles away, Harry awakes with a start, his scar burning. Not too sure what to make of it, he writes Sirius and asks him if he knows anything about cursed scars, sure that Voldemort can’t be anywhere near him.
Ron invites Harry to the Quidditch World Cup and spend the remaining summer holidays with his family and Hermione Granger before attending the World Cup. Travelling by Floo Powder, Mr Weasley, Fred, George and Ron take Harry back to the Burrow where Harry is introduced to Fred and George’s new concoctions.
[edit] The Quidditch World Cup
Two days later, Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys meet up with Amos Diggory and his son, Cedric, and they set off for the Quidditch World Cup. On top a hill is a Portkey that transports the group to the event. The Weasley party stays in tents that appear small from the outside, but upon entering, magically open into large comfortable abodes. At the stadium they encounter the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge and the Malfoy family.
That night, as crowds of wizards celebrate the game's outcome (the Irish team win), laughter and fun turn into terror when Death Eaters attack Muggle bystanders. Mr. Weasley sends the group into the woods. All of a sudden the trio hear footsteps and a voice shout “MORSMORDRE!” and the Dark Mark -- Voldemort's sign -- appears in the night sky. When the trio light their way through the wood, Harry finds he has lost his wand.
Once found, Harry's wand is implicated in conjuring the Dark Mark, although Harry is deemed innocent. Barty Crouch’s house elf, Winky, is found with the wand and held responsible. Crouch is a respected official at the Ministry of Magic, and immediately fires Winky. Crouch's cruel treatment of Winky prompts Hermione to campaign for elves' rights.
[edit] The Triwizard Tournament
Several surprises are in store for Hogwarts students as the new school year starts. The new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher is the famous, but now retired Auror Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, an eccentric who manages to simultaneously terrify, awe, and amuse students with his combination of paranoia and astonishing experience fighting the Dark Arts. Also, Headmaster Dumbledore announces that Hogwarts will host the Triwizard Tournament, the recently revived interschool competition that was banned because it was too dangerous. The prize for the winner is 1000 galleons, however this not mentioned in the movie.
One student from each competing school, (Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang), will be selected as champions. Barty Crouch states that students under age 17 are ineligible to compete. Professor Dumbledore creates an Age Line around the cup to deter those ineligible from trying to compete. Fred and George try to fool the cup by aging themselves with an Ageing Potion, but when they cross the line, they are tossed backwards and sprout long white beards.
The Goblet chooses: Quidditch player Viktor Krum for Durmstrang; the eerily beautiful Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatons; and Hufflepuff’s sixth year student, Cedric Diggory of Hogwarts as the respective Champions. Mysteriously, the Goblet chooses Harry Potter as the fourth champion. Harry is deemed magically bound to participate, even though he is underage.
Moody believes that a very strong Confundus Charm was placed on the Goblet making Harry suspect he is deliberately being put in danger. Many outraged students believe he cheated to enter, as does Ron Weasley, who is jealous over the constant attention heaped on Harry. Rita Skeeter, a revolting and unethical journalist, makes matters worse by writing sensationalised stories about him using her Quick-Quote quill.
[edit] The First Triwizard Challenge
Hagrid reveals to Harry and Madame Maxime, the giant, elegant Headmistress of Beauxbatons Academy, that the first task involves battling a dragon and retrieving an egg. Because Durmstang Headmaster Igor Karkaroff and Viktor Krum also know, Harry tips off Cedric Diggory, the only Champion who is unaware. Professor Moody praises him for this and also gives him a hint on how to retrieve the egg.
From a bag of miniature dragons, Harry draws the Hungarian Horntail, the most dangerous species. During the challenge, he summons his Firebolt using the Accio spell and outmaneuvers the dragon to capture the golden egg, jointly winning the first task with Viktor Krum. After seeing how dangerous the challenge actually was, Ron realises Harry would never have cheated to enter. The golden egg provides the clue to the Second Task, which is scheduled for February.
[edit] The Yule Ball
At Christmas, students attend the Yule Ball. As a champion, Harry is required to participate in the opening dance with a partner, but both he and Ron have difficulty finding dates. Harry invites Cho Chang, but she is already going with Cedric Diggory. Harry eventually arranges for himself and Ron to take the beautiful Patil twins, Parvati and Padma.
At the Ball, Hermione arrives as Viktor Krum's date, stunning everyone with both her unexpected attachment and beauty leading to an unpleasant fight between Hermione and a jealous Ron. He and Harry spend the night ignoring their own dates, and Ron glares at Hermione and Krum. Later, in the Gryffindor common room, she chastises him for his behaviour and tells him to, "ask me before someone else does and not as a last resort!"[1]
Fleur's partner was Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain, Roger Davies.
[edit] The Second Challenge
With the second challenge fast approaching, Harry has given little thought to solving the egg's riddle. To repay Harry for tipping him off about the dragons, Cedric suggests that Harry take his egg for a bath. After hearing the egg sing underwater, and with help from Moaning Myrtle, Harry deduces that he must retrieve something taken by the Merpeople in the Black Lake. Dobby gives Harry Gillyweed that allows him to breathe underwater (In the movie, this role is taken over by Neville).
During the task, Moaning Myrtle directs Harry to where the "hostages" each Champion must rescue from Hogwarts's lake are located. The hostages are: Ron for Harry, Hermione for Viktor, Cho Chang for Cedric, and Gabrielle for Fleur (her younger sister). When Harry attempts to rescue all of them, the Merpeople prevent him, saying, “Your task is to retrieve your own friend…leave the others…”[2] Although Fleur is quickly eliminated, as she couldn't get past the Grindylows, Cedric and Viktor reach the hostages. Not seeing Fleur, Harry decides to assist Gabrielle, but the Merpeople intervene. He threatens them with his wand and surfaces with both hostages. He is awarded extra points for displaying "moral fiber" and finishes second. He is now tied for first place with Cedric Diggory.
[edit] The Third Challenge
The final event involves navigating a dangerous maze, within which the Triwizard Cup is hidden and whoever retrieves the cup first will be the victor. Harry is unnerved to find his path lacking obstacles.
[edit] Harry's Obstacles
First Obstacle - Boggart, which he first mistakes for a Dementor.
Second Obstacle - "an odd golden mist floating ahead of him," which turns his world upside down.
Third Obstacle - Hagrid's enormous Blast-Ended Skrewt in which he uses Impedimenta.
Harry crosses pathes with an Imperioed Krum using the Crucio curse on Cedric. Harry uses Stupefy to stop Krum and sends up red sparks. Cedric and Harry go their own ways through the maze.
Fourth Obstacle - Sphinx who gives him a riddle to solve in order to get to the Cup.
Fifth obstacle - Spider that is trying to stop Cedric from getting the Cup.
Harry and Cedric argue over who should take the Cup, then agree to grab the trophy simultaneously, ensuring a Hogwarts win.
[edit] Little Hangleton's graveyard
The trophy is actually a Portkey that transports Harry and Cedric to a graveyard where Peter “Wormtail” Pettigrew and Lord Voldemort await. Voldemort orders Pettigrew to "kill the spare", and Pettigrew uses Avada Kedavra to kill Cedric. Harry is gagged and tied to the tombstone of Voldemort's father. His blood, the late Riddle Sr.'s bone, and Wormtail's severed right hand, are used in a macabre ritual that restores Voldemort to his full physical form and overcomes the protective charm that has shielded Harry since he was a baby. Voldemort summons the Death Eaters before engaging Harry into a deadly wizard's duel. Unknown to Voldemort, Harry's and Voldemort's wands are "brothers" that contain the same core -- a tail feather from Dumbledore's phoenix, Fawkes. A freak phenomenon known as Priori Incantatem occurs in which the wands streams' interlock and create a golden light. Harry forces the stream backwards into Voldemort's wand, causing the ghostly echoes of its past victims -- including Cedric, Frank Bryce, Bertha Jorkins, and James and Lily Potter, Harry's parents -- to spill out. The echoes momentarily protect Harry as he escapes with Cedric's body and the portkey back to Hogwarts.
[edit] Young Crouch revealed
Harry returns to Hogwarts amid a swirl of confusion and grief caused by his disappearance and Cedric's death. To remove Harry from the intense situation, Professor Moody escorts him back to the castle. In his office, Moody reveals that he is a Death Eater and tells Harry it was he who entered his name into the Goblet and ensured that he was delivered to Voldemort. As Moody is about to kill Harry, Dumbledore fires a powerful stunning spell through the locked door and bursts in, followed by Severus Snape and Minerva McGonagall. With Snape's Veritaserum, it is revealed that "Moody" is actually Barty Crouch Jr. He is the one who sent up the Dark Mark at the Quidditch World Cup. He used Polyjuice Potion to impersonate the real Alastor Moody, who has been imprisoned in a magical trunk for the entire school year. Before young Crouch can repeat his confession, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge orders his soul to be sucked out via the Dementor's kiss.
The Ministry's refusal to believe Voldemort’s return results in Snape revealing his Dark Mark to Fudge and explaining this as the reason why Karkaroff has fled. To combat Voldemort, Dumbledore asks that Sirius and Snape accept a truce and sends Sirius Black to summon "the old crowd". Severus Snape, meanwhile, is sent on an unspecified mission by Dumbledore, who apparently trusts him fully.
Meanwhile, Hermione finds out that Rita Skeeter gets her stories by turning into a beetle, as Skeeter is an illegal Animagus. Hermione catches Rita Skeeter in beetle form and threatens her by saying Rita must not write any bad or false stories for a whole year or she will turn Rita in to the Ministry of Magic. Harry also gives away his entire Triwizard winnings to Fred and George Weasley so they can start their own joke shop business after Hogwarts.
Order of the Phoenix
The story starts with Harry hiding in the Dursley’s flower bed listening to the news, hoping to hear anything about the activities of Lord Voldemort or the Wizarding world in general. After a fight with his Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, Harry wanders about Little Whinging. He runs into his loathsome cousin Dudley when they are suddenly attacked by Dementors. Harry fends them off with a Patronus Charm, but Dudley is badly affected. A neighbour, Arabella Figg, arrives to help. She reveals she is a Squib and was asked by Albus Dumbledore to secretly watch over Harry when he came to live with the Dursleys, and she apologizes for how they have made his life miserable.
Back home, Vernon and Petunia blame Harry for Dudley's condition. Harry gets another shock when trying to explain to the Dursleys that Dementors were the cause of Dudley’s problem, Petunia explains, “They guard the wizard prison, Azkaban,”[3] making Harry glad, for the first time, that Petunia is his aunt. Harry receives an owl letter stating he has been expelled from Hogwarts for performing magic outside school. Several more letters arrive in quick succession: Arthur Weasley and Sirius Black warn Harry not to leave the house, while another overturns his expulsion and orders him to appear at a hearing at the Ministry of Magic. Believing Harry has brought death to his family, Vernon orders him to leave. A Howler for Harry's aunt arrives warning her, "Remember my last, Petunia!"[4] Visibly shaken, she tells Vernon that Harry has to stay or the neighbours will talk.
Thinking they are on the short list for “All-England’s Best Kept Suburban Lawns”, the Dursleys leave Harry home alone. Several Order of the Phoenix members arrive to escort Harry to their secret headquarters at the Black Family home, 12 Grimmauld Place in London. The Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry’s godfather Sirius Black are there. Harry is upset when he is denied detailed information regarding the Order's plans to fight Lord Voldemort, but he learns that Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge continues to deny Lord Voldemort's return and has used articles in The Daily Prophet to discredit Harry, while Dumbledore has been removed from several wizarding societies.
Arriving at the Ministry of Magic, Arthur Weasley accompanies Harry to the hearing, but, having been deliberately misinformed as to the time and location, they arrive late, only to learn that the hearing is actually a trial with the entire Wizengamot assembled. Dumbledore arrives with Mrs. Figg, who testifies that Harry acted in self-defense. Her testimony helps clear Harry of the charges against him. As he leaves the Ministry, Harry sees Lucius Malfoy, who he knows is a Death Eater, visiting Fudge.
Returning to Hogwarts, the Order, including Sirius in Animagus form, escorts the students to the railway station and share a compartment with the rather unusual Luna Lovegood. Back at Hogwarts, Hagrid is absent, and Dolores Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary to the Minister, has been appointed by the Ministry as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. She refuses to teach students any practical defense methods, only using textbooks to teach Ministry-approved theory. It is soon clear she is only there to spy on and take control of the school. She is soon appointed High Inquisitor, intimidating staff and students. She also harbours an intense dislike for Half-breeds, Centaurs, and similar creatures.
Ron becomes the new Keeper for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. The Slytherins compose a taunting ditty entitled "Weasley is Our King" in an attempt to intimidate Ron into playing poorly. It succeeds, but Harry captures the Snitch in the first game to clinch victory. However, a fight provoked by Draco Malfoy results in Umbridge banning Harry and Fred and George Weasley from playing. Ginny Weasley replaces Harry as Seeker.
Meanwhile, Hagrid returns, revealing that he and Madame Maxime were on a failed secret mission for Dumbledore to recruit the Giants against Voldemort. Hagrid's battered appearance alarms Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who soon discover Hagrid is hiding his Giant, and still wild half-brother, Grawp in the forest.
Further complicating matters, both Hagrid and Professor Sybill Trelawney are heavily scrutinized by Umbridge, who views both incompetent. Umbridge's dislike for Hagrid is intensified by her prejudice towards "Half-breeds" (Hagrid is half-giant). Umbridge fires Trelawney, but Dumbledore allows her to remain in residence and replaces her with his own appointment, the Centaur, Firenze.
Harry has been having strange dreams, mostly about running down a hallway and attempting to open a door in the Ministry of Magic's Department of Mysteries. In one nightmare, he dreams he is a snake attacking Ron's father, Arthur Weasley, who works at the Ministry. Waking up, Harry raises the alarm, believing he had a true vision. Arthur is indeed discovered with venomous snake bites and taken to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. Harry wonders if he is being possessed and transported by Voldemort to do his bidding, but Dumbledore reassures him he is not. Dumbledore has Severus Snape give Harry lessons in the art of Occlumency to block his mind from intrusion.
Threatening to expose her as an illegal Animagus, Hermione blackmails journalist Rita Skeeter into writing a favourable article about Harry witnessing Voldemort's return. Luna Lovegood's father publishes the article in his newspaper The Quibbler. Furious, Umbridge bans the tabloid at the school, but the story spreads rapidly, garnering support for Harry.
Hermione convinces Harry to secretly teach students Defense Against the Dark Arts. As retaliation against Umbridge, they name their group the Defense Association, or D.A. for short, although they begin calling themselves "Dumbledore's Army" to mock the paranoid Ministry of Magic. Umbridge uncovers the secret meetings, and to protect the students, Dumbledore claims he organized the group. When confronted by two Ministry Aurors (Dawlish and Shacklebolt), Fudge, Percy Weasley, and Umbridge, Dumbledore is spectacularly whisked away by his phoenix, Fawkes. Umbridge is appointed Headmistress, although Dumbledore's office is now impenetrable. Meanwhile, the Weasley twins instigate a student revolt, causing mayhem throughout the school. The teachers pointedly do nothing to help the new Headmistress regain control. The twins are caught, but deciding they have outgrown their full-time education, summon their confiscated brooms from Umbridge's office, and zoom off to start their own Joke Shop called Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. As a parting gesture, they leave a magical swamp inside the school.
Harry receives a vision that Sirius is being tortured at the Department of Mysteries, unaware it is a ruse. He desperately attempts to contact Sirius via the fireplace in Umbridge's office but is caught. Umbridge reveals it was she who sent the Dementors to attack Harry during the summer. As she is about to use the Cruciatus Curse on him, Hermione tells her that Dumbledore has hidden a powerful weapon in the Forbidden Forest. She leads Umbridge and Harry into the woods where they come upon the Centaurs, whom Umbridge foolishly insults. Enraged, one carries her off screaming. The other Centaurs are about to attack Harry and Hermione after they attempt to recruit them, but Hagrid's Giant brother, Grawp, crashes onto the scene, scattering the herd as they begin shooting arrows at him.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione, along with Luna, Ginny, and Neville use the school's Thestrals to fly to the Ministry of Magic in London to save Sirius, unaware they are being lured into a trap. When Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and Neville Longbottom arrive at the Department of Mysteries, they are ambushed by Death Eaters. Voldemort seeks a Prophecy contained in a glass sphere and needs Harry to retrieve it for him. Only those who a prophecy concerns can touch the sphere without going insane, and Voldemort cannot risk exposure.
The students heroically fight the Death Eaters, but they are outmatched. Just as they are nearly defeated, Order members arrive. During the ensuing battle, the glass sphere is shattered. Sirius is attacked by his cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange, a Death Eater. Her spell blasts him in the chest and he falls backwards through a mysterious veiled archway, dead. Soon Dumbledore arrives and most of the Death Eaters are captured.
Harry chases Bellatrix into the atrium as Lord Voldemort appears and duels with Dumbledore. Alerted Ministry of Magic employees arrive on the scene in time to see Voldemort before he disapparates, taking Bellatrix with him. Cornelius Fudge finally admits Voldemort has returned, and Harry's interview with Rita Skeeter is reprinted in the Daily Prophet.
Later in his office, Dumbledore apologizes to the furious Harry for neglecting him over the past year. He explains his actions and reveals the lost prophecy's meaning, which states Harry must kill Voldemort or be murdered by him. Sybill Trelawney predicted, "Either must die at the hand of the other, for neither can live while the other survives." At the end of the year, Harry returns to the Dursleys for another cheerless summer, deeply grieving his lost Godfather.
Half-Blood Prince:
Voldemort and his "Death Eaters" openly wreak chaos throughout Britain. Following public outcry over Cornelius Fudge's mishandling of the Voldemort situation, he is sacked, and is succeeded by Rufus Scrimgeour as the new Minister for Magic. As a result, Arthur Weasley receives a promotion following the set-up of several new offices. The new windfall greatly improves the family's financial situation.
At his home in Spinner's End, Severus Snape receives a visit from Draco Malfoy's mother Narcissa and her sister, Bellatrix Lestrange. Narcissa swears Snape to an Unbreakable Vow, ensuring he will protect Draco and, should her son fail, complete his mission for the Dark Lord.
As school begins, Snape is announced as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts instructor. With unwitting help from Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore has persuaded retired teacher, Horace Slughorn, to resume his old Potions position.
Because Slughorn only requires a minimum "E" grade ("Exceeds Expectations") in O.W.L. exams for N.E.W.T. Potion classes, Harry and Ron are now able to sign up. Slughorn lends Harry an old textbook marked as the property of "The Half-Blood Prince." The talented former owner's handwritten notes help Harry excel in the class, gaining a reputation worthy of Hermione. As a reward, Slughorn gives him a small vial of Felix Felicis, a good luck potion.
Suspecting Malfoy may be a Death Eater, Harry confides his suspicions to Dumbledore, who appears unconcerned, as do Ron and Hermione. Later it is revealed that Dumbledore entrusted Snape to investigate.
Just when Ron and Hermione seem on the verge of a relationship, Ron begins dating Lavender Brown — although it is mostly to spite Hermione, who, Ron learned, kissed Viktor Krum. Ron and Hermione continually bicker until Ron is accidentally poisoned. Hermione is so distraught that she and Ron end their feud, and Ron soon breaks up with Lavender.
Dumbledore begins giving Harry private lessons using his Pensieve to view collected memories about Voldemort's past. A memory belonging to Slughorn is partially missing. Aided by the Felix Felicis potion, Harry retrieves the missing portion from him. Dumbledore speculates that Voldemort split his soul into seven parts, storing six pieces in Horcruxes to grant himself immortality, while leaving the seventh in his body. Two Horcruxes have been destroyed (Tom Riddle's diary by Harry[HP2] and Marvolo Gaunt's ring by Dumbledore).
After this time, Harry and Ginny Weasley begin a relationship.
As Harry and Dumbledore leave to find another Horcrux (Salazar Slytherin's locket), Harry leaves the rest of his Felix Felicis to Ron, Hermione and Ginny, for he suspects that Draco Malfoy is up to something again. Giving them swift instructions to patrol the corridors, Harry disapparates with Dumbledore to a secret, hidden cave. Upon retrieving the Horcrux, Dumbledore is seriously weakened. Returning to the castle, they find Lord Voldemort's Dark Mark hovering over Hogwarts. They are ambushed by Draco Malfoy atop the Astronomy Tower. Dumbledore paralyzes Harry, who is hidden under his Invisibility Cloak, just before Draco disarms him. Draco reveals that he helped the Death Eaters enter Hogwarts, although Dumbledore discerns that the obviously frightened boy was coerced into aiding Voldemort's followers.
Death Eaters appear and urge Draco to fulfil his mission—killing Dumbledore—but Draco hesitates. Snape arrives; Dumbledore pleads with Snape, though it is unclear exactly what he is pleading for. Snape, at the end of the plea, kills Dumbledore with the Avada Kedavra killing curse. The force of the spell hurls Dumbledore's body over the tower wall. Upon Dumbledore's death, Harry is freed from the spell Dumbledore placed on him. The Death Eaters flee, and Harry pursues Snape, who identifies himself as the Half-Blood Prince in a short-lived duel before escaping with Malfoy.
Harry recovers the locket from Dumbledore's body only to discover it is a fake. Inside is a note from someone with the initials "R.A.B.". The real Horcrux has been stolen and will be destroyed with the hope that when Voldemort meets his match he "will be mortal once more."
The school year ends abruptly with Dumbledore's funeral. Professor McGonagall is appointed Hogwarts' interim headmistress, although the school may remain closed. Regardless, Harry decides to leave Hogwarts to search for the remaining Horcruxes. Hermione and Ron vow to accompany him, while Harry ends his relationship with Ginny to protect her from Voldemort. The book ends with Harry's heart lifting at the thought that there will be one last golden day with his friends — at Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour's wedding — before he has to face the task that lies ahead.
(hopefully this is enough info)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Am I a writer?
Am I a writer or am I just obsessed with writing?
My mum's a writer, not a public writer but she enjoys writing and is fairly good at it.Do you think I'm the same???????
My mum's a writer, not a public writer but she enjoys writing and is fairly good at it.Do you think I'm the same???????
My Parents Suck!!!!!!
Alright...the real reason they suck is all the kettles fault!!!!!
The kettle?,':\
Yes. You see my mum has some crazy obsession with tea. My mum drinks more mms of tea then skin cells in her body in a month...maybe 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But because my mum is so obsessed with tea she's never around to turn it off, so I always do. My mum and dad were just in the bedroom kissing-well,I only saw them hugging-when mum's kettle went off, I was writing my last post. The kettle went off for another 5-10 minutes before I got up and turned it off. I told off my parents for not getting the kettle, they said they knew I was going to go do it!!!!
Lazy Butts!
The kettle?,':\
Yes. You see my mum has some crazy obsession with tea. My mum drinks more mms of tea then skin cells in her body in a month...maybe 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But because my mum is so obsessed with tea she's never around to turn it off, so I always do. My mum and dad were just in the bedroom kissing-well,I only saw them hugging-when mum's kettle went off, I was writing my last post. The kettle went off for another 5-10 minutes before I got up and turned it off. I told off my parents for not getting the kettle, they said they knew I was going to go do it!!!!
Lazy Butts!
Too much in one go.
You see, I barely ever go on my blog, yet I have so many many posts I can barely remember my first one. And why? Because I give too much in one go. I go on my blog to write one post or just to reread my older posts(which I do with my diary as well, just not publicly) and end up writing a gazillion-other wise known a 3 to 6-new posts. I give too much. But is that a thing to be ashamed of? tell me. And that's why one or two posts will be good then they'll start getting boring. So.....I just finished another bloody post in one night. Tut!!!
You know what...
You know what....
I have some sides you can take...they're all about love...
Choice #1:
Everyone's like "Ooooooh...they're in love!" or "He is SOOOO hot!!!!" but what's so great about love? It hurts,it's bugsome,it makes you things-like kissing, kissing can cause terrible diseases you know!!!!!!-and it can drive you crazy. So what's so good about!!!!!!!!
Choice #2:
What's the point in love...
It's just some mindless control taking the form of a dissembodied voice you call your 'conchance'. There's no need to say "Gross!!" when someone kisses in a movie but don't go for it.
Choice #3:
What about love....
I'm not really a big fan of love right now but I know I'm going to fall in love later in my life. But now I don't say "Ewwwww!!!" to kisses but when someone talks about me kissing I find it disturbing.
Choice #4:
I know some stuff about love and have crushes on guys but I'm not love obsessed. I don't need love at the moment but don't mind talking about it.
Choice #5:
I have major crushes on guys and dream about my husband. I can't wait until I can date. That guy is SOOO hot!!!!!
If you are between the ages 8-12 please leave a comment saying your answer or email it to me at
I have some sides you can take...they're all about love...
Choice #1:
Everyone's like "Ooooooh...they're in love!" or "He is SOOOO hot!!!!" but what's so great about love? It hurts,it's bugsome,it makes you things-like kissing, kissing can cause terrible diseases you know!!!!!!-and it can drive you crazy. So what's so good about!!!!!!!!
Choice #2:
What's the point in love...
It's just some mindless control taking the form of a dissembodied voice you call your 'conchance'. There's no need to say "Gross!!" when someone kisses in a movie but don't go for it.
Choice #3:
What about love....
I'm not really a big fan of love right now but I know I'm going to fall in love later in my life. But now I don't say "Ewwwww!!!" to kisses but when someone talks about me kissing I find it disturbing.
Choice #4:
I know some stuff about love and have crushes on guys but I'm not love obsessed. I don't need love at the moment but don't mind talking about it.
Choice #5:
I have major crushes on guys and dream about my husband. I can't wait until I can date. That guy is SOOO hot!!!!!
If you are between the ages 8-12 please leave a comment saying your answer or email it to me at
I'M AN INSPERATION!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guess what?
I'm an insperation!
You see now all my friends-except for Mossy-have a blog because they were inspired by my blog, now I can use these powers to take over the world!!!!!LOL! Don't worry, I am not going to take over the world, or am I?
I'm an insperation!
You see now all my friends-except for Mossy-have a blog because they were inspired by my blog, now I can use these powers to take over the world!!!!!LOL! Don't worry, I am not going to take over the world, or am I?

I have 3 best friends in TO and we're all really close but for some strange reason I,(the phsyco, pheses obsessed one) am the most popular. Like, our teacher said that in the month of June we could pick who we sat next to and all Margot L'Escargot,Mossy and K-K looked at me. And on the carpet or the lunch bench all my friends want to sit next to me. Sadly, it's not new to me. When I still lived in Vancouver-and I was around 7-my 2 best friends would fight-argue-over me. How much do I suck?!?!? Anyways, all this proves is that I'm too good of a friend for my own good...but it might have to do with the fact that my friends come to me for help with their school work. I'm discovering their dark secrets!!!!!LOL!!!
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